They growing up so Fast.

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(11 Years Later Christ and Betty are in there teens now Betty would be 16 yeas old and Christ would be 17 years old)

Christ's POV (finally there kids have POV's now Yay!)

My 17th birthday went by and i was in Crafters High School so was Betty i loved my Dad's very much so does Betty everyday is a brand new day to Start i drive Betty to School because she dosen't have her G1 yet all though its nice to give my sister a ride sometimes we fight and our Dad Mitch has to solve our problems even our Dad Jerome ever since that day that our dad Mitch Adopt us we became one happy family sometimes we do go through Situations and all but most of the days are happy and i saw Betty run towards my car and she said: Sorry big bro i couldn't find my favorite Diamond Axe clip. and i said: Its okay little Sis but we can still make it on time. once we got to the school our classes was different mine we're Math, Gym, Science and Wood Shop. Betty's classes are History, Auto Shop, Drama and Cooking.  our Dad's told us always do your best in School and that was there best Quotes ever CaptainSparklez was one legendary dude he was a member of the team call Team Crafted the founders of this School the Team Crafted Statues we're outside of the school during lunch time every Student comes out of the building showing respect to our leaders of the School ASFJerome, Ashleymarieegaming, Deadlox, BajanCanadian, Bodil40, Bashur, Clara, CaptainSparklez, Subzeroextabyte, Ssundee, TrueMU, Dawnables, Setosorcerer, Sethbling,     Kkcomics, Munchingbrotato, AntVenom, BakiTheSnowman, Simon, TheDiamondMinecart and HuskyMudkipz all of them standing there side by side looking breave and bold and the left a quote for the school and said "Team work is the best way to pass on through life Love Team Crafted" sometimes me and Betty go to them founders and leave flowers there to say Thank You to them.

Betty's POV

I always leave flowers in front of every Statue on School ground it made me smile tell i herd my Brother calling and he said: Betty let's go Dad is going to start making dinner soon we need to leave now! I love my Big Bro he takes good care of me and i said: Coming Christ am coming! as we left the school i was wondering if we will ever meet the founders of our School i know our dad's that we're a member of Team Crafted they told us there crazy Adventures with them they we're awesome. Once we got home our Dad's we're siting in the living room watching sports guys these days what's with sports I ran up Stairs to change outfits like i do every day after school after i'd finish changing clothes and all i look out the window and watch the Square Sun sets and the Square moon rises up into the sky everyday people always builds stuff at night that was the main problem why can't they build stuff in the morning tell my door open oh it was just dad Jerome checking up on me and he said: Betty its time to come down its dinner time. and i said: Oh um okay hey dad? and he said: Yes Bets. and i said: How long have you snd Dad Mitch been living togather? and he said: Before you we're Adopted now come on let's go get some food. i nodded my head and we went down stairs into the dinning hall Christ was helping setting up the table and Dad Mitch was cooking the food i just sat at the table checking my text messages one of my friends in school texted me saying "Hey Betty want to go to the mall tomorrow i herd that one of the stores is giving half price off for everything this is great now i can buy you a new brand new dress i'll pick you up at 7:00 a.m plz be awake oh Zoey says hi<3 from Carly." Yeah there was one thing i had school tomorrow i don't want to get in trouble by my Dad's Carly is my best frined right now but she never likes the dresses i wear but i was fine with them so i texted Carly back saying "Hey Carly i don't think that's a good idea we have School tomorrow why don't we go on the weekends instead oh yeah tell Zoey i said Hi <3 from Betty." i looked up and Christ was staring at me and he said: Who are you texting to Betty>:). and i said: None of your Business Christ and stay away from my bubble zone >:(. yeah he likes going through my stuff without asking that bugs me a lot but i don't care.

Mitch's POV

Betty and Christ always fight now and then Jerome takes Betty for a walk outside when Christ Bugs her and I take Christ Up into my room when Betty is with Jerome we've been doing this for awhile now and Jerome gets mad easily and i have to deal with him but who cares not me and i watch Jerome get up from his seat and grabbed Betty and i grabbed Christ like i said before Jerome takes Betty for a walk outside and i take Christ into my Bedroom and he said: Dad why can't you deal with her for once! that broke my heart he doesn't understand about girls yet but it made me mad and i said: Christ don't talk back to me do you understand! and he said: Why not i am 17 years older then her and you think you can solve all of our problems! tears started running down my face tell Jerome and Betty came back and he said: Mitch what's wrong tell me? i tried to tell him but my sadness grew bigger and bigger by a second i grabbed on to his fur tightly and hearing him screaming in pain.

Jerome's POV

I was screaming at the top of my lungs Betty help pulled Mitch off i don't know what got into him like this i saw Christ coming this way and he said: i'll be back i just need to calm down. after Betty pulled Mitch off he ripped some of my fur off and i said: Betty can you bring me the FIRST AID KIT plz?. and she said: Sure Daddy i'll get it for you. i looked at my arms that Mitch grabbed and ripped the fur off it started to bleed slowly once Betty got back with the FIRST AID KIT she wrapped my arm slowly thank goodness she took health class at school and she said: Are you going to be okay Dad? and i said: Y-yes i am going to be okay princess. she gave me a worry look on her face once Mitch starting to calm down we checked on him to see if he's okay and he said: Jerome i know your there with Betty. and i said: Mitch what happen with you and Christ? he started to get angry at me and he said: THAT BITCH JUST TOLD ME HE DOSEN'T NEED HELP JEROME!  and i said: Mitch you need to calm down. and he said: I RATHER BEAT THE CRAP OUT OF HIM JEROME HE TOLD ME THAT HE DOESN'T NEED ME OKAY!. i told Betty that Mitch need to calm down for awhile as we waited for Mitch to cool off for a sec i saw Christ in the living room mad too i think i know what happen just i rather not get involed with this and i said: Betty you might want to go to your room okay baby girl. and she said: Okay Dad oh by the way can i go to the mall tomorrow morning plz? and i said: No Betty you have School first thing in the morning. and she said: Okay. as i walked up to Christ and i said: Okay Christ tell me what happen with you and Mitch? and he said: You don't get it Dad every time me and Betty fight you always helping Betty and i get Dad Mitch don't you love me at all? and i said: i do love you son just maybe you should stop bugging you sister and we wouldn't have this problem in the first place now go say sorry to Mitch and your sister okay. and he said: Okay Dad. we hugged for a bit and he went back up stairs to say sorry to Betty and Mitch i hope things clear up.

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