12: Looking For Me?

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It's been a whole month. Forever.

It's mid October and the weather is finally getting cooler. The leaves are turning color. The big rivalry football game is this Friday. All great things happening.

Emma walks up to me. She hasn't changed much since becoming a cheerleader. She wears contacts all the time rather than her glasses, but that's pretty much it. I'm glad she's  continued being my friend, or school friend, as I call her. Deep down she's still a nerd that helps me with her homework.

Oliver comes home at an ungodly hour, which I still wait up for him. I wonder if he's always been the type to not sleep much and manage to be perfect anyway. I may not sleep, but I pay the price by looking not so cute most of the time. He's still a man of few words. It's nice at times, I usually prefer silence. Sometimes it's unnerving though, he's so intense with those eyes that I always feel like he's judging my every move.

He hasn't slept with Emma yet, although he's had plenty of chances. I know she's tried kinda throwing herself at him. But what can you expect when you know Oliver likes to sleep with all the cheerleaders. It's his own reputation he's not living up to.

"You have to come to the game tonight, and the after party."

"I'm taking care of my brothers."

"Get a sitter, you have to live a normal teenage life," Emma begs again.

Since it was the big rivalry tonight Emma was begging me to go to the game. I knew it meant a lot to her but at the same time I knew babysitters were expensive.

I feel my phone buzz but ignore it. It buzzes  again though, so I take it out to see who it is. Some insistent unknown number.

'Go to the game.'
'Say yes right now.'

"Yes," I look up to Emma and she already has the largest smile on her face.

I smile at her and make my way to Levi who's waiting outside the school. Oliver couldn't take me today to pick up the twins because of this infamous game. Since he was on the football team and all, it was kind of a big deal.

"Hey, Levi!"

"Hazel! You going to the game?"

"Surprisingly, I am."

Levi's eyes go wide, "That is surprising. Because of Oliver?"

I shake my head, "Emma wants me to go."

He nods and stays silent. He starts making his way to his car when he finally speaks up, "Emma, huh?"

Levi doesn't really like Oliver. He thinks there's some ulterior motive to him living on my couch. I've told him no several times, while Oliver doesn't open up to me, it doesn't look like he's playing games. But I could always be wrong, hopeful that he's still the boy I knew in third grade.

"You should ask her out tonight. It's perfect."

Levi has liked Emma for a while, even more now that she's a cheerleader and gets to wear those skimpy outfits. I've told him several times to asks her out but he never does. It's such a shame cause they would be a good couple. And it would keep Emma from sleeping with Oliver. If he ever comes to claim his little cheerleader, that is.

I remember the weird text I'd gotten and open it up on my phone. There's no way a recognize this number until a third text comes in.

'I know everything that happens.'

Oliver Grey. He's always got a way of knowing what's going on. He's told me several times about this little superpower he has. Now, I completely believe it.

'Seriously Oliver?'
'Talk about creepy.'

'You said yes'

'And I also shit my pants'


I laugh at his reply but quickly turn my attention back to Levi who's driving up to the elementary school. Levi glances at me but says nothing and continues driving the last bit.

"Braden! Ben! Over here!" I call them over.

"Where's Oliver? I want to tell him about school." Braden asks.

"He had something to do today," I respond honestly.

Ben and Braden's faces both fall as they hear that they won't see Oliver. They've become attached to him being around. It's what I was afraid of in the first place. Because if Oliver ever decides to drastically leave without a trace, the twins are going to hurt more than anyone. Look at them, it's one drive home and they're already sad.

"You can tell me and Levi."

"No, I want to tell Oliver," Braden pouts.

I just nod, as to not cause a scene, "We'll see him tomorrow."

Their friend deepen as I tell them that they won't get to see their new friend till tomorrow and I sigh at myself.

"Okay, idea," I tell them once I got them in the car, "Levi, drive us to the school please."

Levi looks to me with a quizzical expression. I nod and smile so he knows I'm serious. He nods back and pulls out of the elementary school and back to the high school.

I thank him once we get there and apologize for being such a stuck up passenger. He laughs and says he doesn't mind since he was gonna come here for the game anyway.

"Why are we here, Hazel?" Ben asks once he's out of the car.

"We're gonna go say hi to Oliver."

"Oliver is here?" Braden asks and a smile starts forming non his lips.

I nod my head, "He should be on the football field."

Ben and Braden start sprinting to the field and I try to yell at them to slow down  and wait for me but they decide to ignore me. I turn to Levi and shrug laughing before running after them. When I get to the football field, the team is warming up and Ben and Braden are staring in awe trying to find Oliver.

I see the rival team's bus on the other side of the field and realize that it's only an hour before the game. I try looking on the field for Oliver but the number 15 is nowhere to be seen. I smile lightly, 15 is my favorite number, it's the age my life flipped turned upside down.

"Where is he?" Braden asks.

I search again but can't seem to find him on the field. I sigh and look down to the twins.

"I'm afraid he's not here."

"No?" Braden asks, a frown etched on his face.

I hate to disappoint. Especially now that I have to walk them all the way back home too. It may only be a 10 minute walk but I still feel bad for them.

Then, as I'm about to turn around to start the walk home, a shadow looms over me. A very familiar shadow at that.

"Looking for me?"

"Oliver!" Ben and Braden yell and run up to him, hugging him.

"Hey, boys."

"Guess what? That girl gave me her pencil today!" Braden smiles.

"Really? I think she likes you," Oliver says but he's looking at me when he does so.

I smile, trying to cover the blush that creeps onto my lips when his blue eyes trap mine. He's in his football gear and I swoon slightly at the sight in front of me. But I keep it together, the twins are right there and I am not about to be a bimbo for Oliver Grey.

"Ewww, cooties," Ben laughs.

Oliver keeps his eyes on me and walks over, the twins having their own conversation amongst themselves. I keep one eye on them, but it's hard when Oliver gets so close to me.

"Take a picture, it'll last you longer."

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