24: Well, We're Off Now

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I still don't know what we're doing. Sketchy.

I'd texted Sarah, who was thankfully still awake due to her insomnia. She came right over to look after the twins while I went out with Oliver to who knows where. Sarah had a key so I wasn't worried about her getting into the house without me there. I felt a little guilty about leaving the twins, but I didn't want to be alone. And if I wanted to accept it or not, Oliver made me feel safe.

I nervously rub my hands together and I look to Oliver. He's been quiet the whole ride and I don't want to be the one to break the silence. He told me to do as he says, and he hasn't exactly said I'm allowed to speak. So, I stay quiet but am antsy in my seat. I want to know where we're going so bad.

After some twenty minutes of driving he finally parks the car in front of a house I recognize. I've been here before, several times. But that was way back when I still had two parents and lived a neighborhood away. I look from the house to Oliver then back to the house.

I'm afraid to speak, not wanting him to get mad, but my surprise and curiosity takes over.

"Oliver, why are we at your house?"

I look back to him. His face is stone cold and he's staring at the house being me with a hateful glare. His knuckles are white as he squeezes the steering wheel tighter as the seconds pass. I wait for him to respond but he doesn't, and I take it as a sign that I should keep my mouth shut too.

After a couple of minutes of hateful glares towards his mansion, Oliver finally speaks up. His voice is stern and demanding and I listen intently at everything he says.

"We go in, we go out. We don't get caught."

I nod and we get out of his car together. His hand grabs mine and pulls me to the bushes. I follow his steps, trying to place my feet exactly where he does. When we make it to the fence that blocks the back yard he lets go of my hand.

I turn to him and watch him crouch with his fingers interlocked so that I can use him as a step. I look at him in shock but say nothing. Doing as I'm told, I wait for him on the other side of the fence.

"There's a camera, there," He points to the first camera, "and there," He points to one farther away, "Do what I say," He repeats.

I nod to him and take his hand again as he guides me in weird directions as to avoid being caught by the cameras. He does this seamlessly and I can tell he's done this several times before. He knows exactly where to step.

We make it to the front door and I'm slow to react at his sudden stop that I hit his back with my face. He turns to face me and I just smile reassuringly, giving my forehead a rub. He leans forward and gives my forehead a kiss before returning to his ninja things. I can't help but blush at his actions. Even at the most dangerous of times, he still gets a response from me.

Oliver whips out a key from his pocket and tries to unlock the door. Tries being the key word here because that door was not budging. I look at him concerned as he rubs his eyes in frustration. He looks to the backyard again and lights up when he gets an idea.

"Plan B."

If breaking in through the back door was Plan A, what's he gonna make us do for Plan B?

He tugs me along by my hand that's still interlocked with his and continues his little ninja act as we scurry through the backyard once again. We're at the other side of the house, leaning against the wall. There's a window a couple feet away and I see him staring at it. My eyes widen when it clicks in my head that he wants to sneak in through the window.

I stay silent, though, following his clear instructions that I do as I'm told.

The window is a couple feet off the ground, probably six feet. Enough that I would have to pull my self up to be able to get in. Oliver goes first, easily lifting himself up into whichever room is on the other side.

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