19: Take It Off

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It's Halloween time. Spooky.

The school on Friday had been buzzing with rumors of a party at Grayson Adams' large mansion. Everybody wanted to be there, everyone should be there. Except me.

Something deep in my stomach hurt knowing I wouldn't be able to go to probably the biggest and wildest party of the year, but I quickly suppers that feeling. I had responsibilities to take care of. The twins were still young and loved to go trick-or-treating, I couldn't just leave them with Sarah to live out my own fantasy.

I loved my brothers with all my heart, but sometimes they were a burden left to me by my mother. Like she wanted to weigh me down and keep me from reaching my full potential. So, she dropped to growing kids on me. I felt like I aged ten years in the span of three. But every time it got down to it, I wouldn't replace these three years for anything.

Emma and Levi had begged me to go to this Halloween party, but I just couldn't say yes. No may tree how hard they tried, they weren't able to break my resolve.

Levi had come up to me Friday after school, apologizing for being such a hard ass. I laughed at his apology and told him I wasn't mad at him. With a nod, he was off and I smiled as I saw him running towards Emma's car.

"Is this supposed to be a costume?"

I look at myself in the mirror and then back to Oliver who's standing in the doorway. He's just gotten back from a run and his sweaty hair was clinging to his forehead. It was right above his eyes, which just made the blue even more vibrant.

I roll my eyes at him, "Ever heard of knocking."

He shrugs his shoulders and makes his way in, collapsing on the bed, my bed.

"You can do better."

I turn around to him and stare at his eyes. They're cast down and look sad, but I just take him as staring at his hands.

I walk up to him and when I'm standing in front of him I cross my arms. I wait for him to look up at me and when our eyes finally meet I start speaking.

"Better? Like you could make this fairy costume work."

He raises his eyebrow, interested in the challenge. He immediately stands up and takes his shirt off. I want to say he knows what he's doing due to the smirk on his lips and the gleam in his eyes. I refuse to back down, and stay grounded in my spot, resident the urge to look at his body that's radiating heat so close to me. Instead, I focus on a strand of hair that flops every time he moves.

"Take it off."

I look to his eyes, surprised by his demanding and oddly sensual tone. His words make my stomach turn and I try not to outwardly react to his words. I keep my cool and break eye contact, pulling the dress off.

It gets stuck over my head and I groan in frustration. Oliver shifts after my groans and I can hear his smirk in his next words, "You need help there?"

"No, I'm fine, I'll just go out like this," I let my sarcasm take over, rolling my eyes while I'm at it.

"Don't roll your eyes."

There's a small hitch in my breath when he says that. His demandingly sensual tone back.

Right then, his hands come up to my back and and touch the nape of my neck. I feel every accidental touch he makes to my skin as an electric shock that runs through my body. All I can think of is to not visibly react to his touch, but I know I must have goosebumps. If he notices, he doesn't say anything. And if he feels the same shocks as I do, he doesn't show it. Not that I could see, I still had a fairy costume stuck on my big head.

He keeps messing around with the zipper when his hands stop for a second and I feel him grab my silver chain. I tense a little when he grabs it but say nothing.

I love that chain. I've worn it every day since my fourteenth birthday when I got it, almost four years ago.

He twists the chain between his fingers a couple of times before letting go. His hands leave me, and the costume, for just a second before coming to my hips and turning me around to face him. At least that's what I assume when the smell of vanilla and teakwood gets stronger.

He brings his hands to under my chin, where the costume is stuck, and pulls up. Finally, my sight isn't pink sparkles and I can breathe again. After a long blink I open my eyes just to be caught into his mesmerizing blue ones. It's like I'm stuck under the costume all over again, except this time it's blue sparkles instead of pink.

I keep my eyes on him and his hands that were still holding on to the costume, finish pulling it off my body. I feel exposed in my bra and shorts that I had on, but then I remember he doesn't have a shirt on either. My eyes flit down to his strong abs and when coming back to meet his eyes, they settle on his lips before they can make it back up.

They're slightly parted and a shallow quick breath keeps escaping them. They're full and pink and suddenly more attractive than I've ever seen them. If that was even possible. Oliver Grey was already beautiful, but his lips right at that moment took the cake.

He drops the costume on the floor and is quick to put his hands on my hip and the nape of my neck. His hand messes with the chain just a little and when I look into his eyes, they're dilated and staring straight at my lips.

I feel a yearning deep down and the next thing that happens is something I'd sworn I'd never do. But rules were made to be broken.

Oliver uses his hands to pull me in the remaining inches between us. His lips smashing onto mine are still light and fluffy.

I'm shocked at first, I'm kissing Oliver Grey and he's kissing me, Hazel the Prude.

That's when I remember I'm not exactly kissing him back, and I react to his lips on mine. I kiss him, hard, not realizing I had so many emotions to let out during the kiss. My arms fly directly around his neck and my fingers get lost in his hair. His soft hair I've secretly been yearning to touch.

He tries to pull me in closer, his arms wrapping around my waist, but it's impossible. Our bodies are so close, I feel every single part of him. Every single part.

His heart is beating sporadically and fast, just like mine probably is too, hitting our chests at the same time.

I moan when he lightly bites my bottom lip, asking for permission. He's about to take the opportunity.

"Oliver and Hazel, kissing in a tree! K-i-s-s-i-n-g!"

I pull apart from Oliver when I hear Ben singing from my door. He lets go of me quickly as well, clearing his throat and walking to the bathroom.

I miss his warm touch and suddenly feel very cold in my bra and shorts. It was October after all and the weather was getting cooler, I try to convince myself. I look back to my now closed bathroom door before turning my attention to Ben, who was now joined by an equally as happy Braden.

"What are you two doing?" I put my hands on my hips, making sure that any bit of my scar is covered.

"Oliver and Hazel, kissing in a tree," They both start singing.

I smile at the two of them and jokingly roll my eyes.

"Come on, you two. It's dinner time."

I lead them both to the kitchen and sit them down at the table. I had some mac and cheese ready for them and set a plate in front of each of them. I smile and leave them for a second, walking back to my room.

When I walk in a start bending over in laughter. Oliver was standing in front of the mirror, admiring himself.

"You look good in pink," I say through my laughs.

He turns to me surprised that caught him, but is quick to replace his look of surprise with a smirk. Oliver walks over to me, still intimidating while in a pink fairy costume that's a couple sizes too small. He stops when his shadow covers me completely and smiles a small genuine smile.

"Told you I wore it better."

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