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It was the weekend and do you think Changbin would sleep in? Hell no, Snow said otherwise.

"Snow, shut up," Changbin whines at the whining kitten who was walking around the house. The kitten walked into his room and meowed. "What? I already gave you milk," Changbin said and the kitten continued to whine. The male groans and shoves his head into his pillow, whining.

Someone knocked and Changbin sighs, getting out of bed. He slipped on a shirt and went to the front door. He opened the door, ready to apologize, but stopped when he saw Felix. "Good morning," Felix said and Changbin gave a smile.

Snow's whining increased as she walked over to the front door. "Someone is in a happy mood," Felix says and Changbin lets him in, not bothering to question how he knew where he lived. "She's been like this since 7," Changbin answers as he closed the door and walked over to the living room, picking up the guitar and putting the papers away. "Were you working on something?" Felix asks and Changbin shook his head. "Was and I'm failing miserably," Changbin answers as he sat down on the couch with a huff.

Felix walked over and sat down, Snow moving to lay in between them. "What's it for?" Felix asks. "Lyrical class," Changbin mumbles, and Felix hums. "What's the...prompt?" Felix asks and Changbin rubs his face. "A Christmas-like relationship I guess or just a relationship in general," Changbin explains and Felix looks at him. "And...you're not a romantic person?" Felix asks in disbelief. "Yeah," Changbin answers. "Have you um...been in one?" Changbin asks, hoping he could get something from Felix.

"Yeah but it was really nasty," Felix explains and Changbin didn't bother to question further. "Sorry," he apologized and Felix nudged him. "I'm fine, my older sister beat the shit out of him," Felix says and Changbin gave a chuckle. "Have you not been in one?" Felix asks as he takes the blanket Changbin gave him with a smile. "No," Changbin says and Felix scoffs, crossing his arms over his chest. "I find that hard to believe."

Changbin looked at him with a raised brow, finding this amusing. "I find it hard to believe that you're hanging out with me only for my cat," Changbin said and Felix gasps. "No! I may love animals but I'm not going to be the third wheel with Minsung," Felix said, already getting used to calling the couple their name. "I'm usually 7th wheel."

"Really? I've been 10th wheel once."

"Wanna bet?"

Felix nodded his head and grabbed his phone he set on the side table, leaning against the arm of the couch. Changbin watched the male until he turned his phone to show the picture of the group he would usually be with. "Dang...they're all straight?" Changbin asks and Felix snorts at his face. "Sadly yeah, they're accepting...I think," Felix said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

Changbin took Felix's phone back and looked through the photos. "Most of them look homophobic...especially the girls and most of the boys," Changbin said as he handed the phone back to Felix who laughed. "None of them have messaged me since I left," Felix says and Changbin rolls his eyes. "Assholes," Changbin said and Felix hummed in agreement.


"Oh, Changbinnie~"

Changbin looked away from the TV to look at who entered his apartment with knocking. "I need to lock my doors," Changbin mumbles and looked back at the TV to see he died by Felix who was calmly drinking his water. "Bitch," He said and Felix glanced at him and gave a small smile.

"Yes, Jeongin?" Changbin says as he paused the game. Felix placed the controller down and went to the restroom while Jeongin took his spot. "Nothing, just wanted to see how you were doing," He said and Changbin stared at him. "You gave Felix my address, didn't you," Changbin said and Jeongin smiled. "Gotta go! Only wanted to make sure you weren't dead." Jeongin got up and skipped out his the apartment, closing the door behind him.

Felix walked out a few minutes later and sat down. "Jeongin gave you my address, didn't he?" Changbin asks and Felix smiles. "Yep."

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