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ᴹᴱᴿᴿᵞ ᶜᴴᴿᴵˢᵀᴹᴬˢ/ᴴᴬᴾᴾᵞ ᴴᴼᴸᴵᴰᴬᵞ

Felix giggles as he felt Changbin's hands move under his shirt. He snaked his arms around his neck and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek. "Morning," Felix whispers and Changbin gave a light chuckle. "Morning," He says and gave his waist a light squeeze. They laid there for a few minutes; before, Snow came into the room and started meowing for food.

Felix gave a chuckle and pushed himself up, yawning. He stretched upwards and Changbin watched with a soft smile at the male. "It's too early for her to complain," Felix grumbles as he lays back down, "it's also cold." Changbin chuckles and pulls him closer. "Mhm...a few more minutes," Changbin said and Felix smiles as he closes his eyes. "Ok-"

"Merry Christmas, my gays!"

The couple groans as Jisung WWE jumped onto them, rolling around on them. "Get up! We're opening presents!" Jisung said and Changbin sighed, bringing Felix closer. "It's 8," Changbin grumbles and smiles as Felix moved closer. "Y'all...are disgusting, Minho and I aren't even like this," Jisung said as sits on their legs. "Yeah, because you guys fuck almost every month," Changbin said as he sat up, Felix whining as he glares at Jisung.

Jisung was about to say something but Felix shoved him off the bed and forced his boyfriend to lay back down. Changbin chuckles as Felix laid on top of him and wrapped his arms around his neck. "I'm surprised I haven't walked in on y'all in the middle of fucking," Changbin said as he sat up and adjusted Felix who huffs.

"Hurry up!"

Jisung snickers and skips out of the room. Changbin kissed Felix's slightly exposed shoulder; before, looking at him. "Merry Christmas," Changbin said and Felix smiles. "Merry Christmas to you too," Felix said and gave him another kiss, pushing Changbin onto the bed who chuckles. "Stop making out and get in the living room!" Chan's voice rang and Felix pulled away with a groan. "They're no fun," Felix said and struggled to get out of bed. Changbin got out of bed and picked him up, throwing him over his shoulder which made Felix laugh.

Changbin left the room and placed Felix down who pulled him over to the chair. Changbin sat down and Felix sat on the older's lap, stealing the blanket from Jisung who glares at him. "Jeongin gets to pass out the presents."


"I forgot, I can't skate."

Changbin came to a full stop and slowly looked at Felix who gave an awkward smile. "Yes you do," Changbin says and Felix huffs. "Why would you suggest it if you can't skate?" Felix gave a shrug and pecked Changbin's lips. "I'm also kidding, I know how to do it," Felix said and Changbin sighs, shaking his head.

"Come on, we're going to be late," Felix whines and started pulling Changbin to get to the group faster. Changbin allowed it and just smiles at Felix who was adorable as always.

They got to the rink lobby and Changbin wrapped his arms around Felix's shoulder, kissing his cheek. "Alright, we get it! You're dating now," Jisung said as he crossed his arms over his chest, leaning against Minho's side who was texting his mom about dinner later that day.

"Suck it," Changbin said and pulled Felix to the cashier to get their skates. After paying for only them, he pulled Felix to the small lockers to put their things away. "What do you want to have for dinner?" Felix asks and Changbin gave a shrug as he untied his shoes. "I don't know, it's up to you, you're the cook," Changbin said and took off his shoes, slipping on the skates, and Felix huffs. "But the other guys complain."

"Well, they won't have to come to dinner," Changbin said and gave Felix a small kiss who smiles. "Also, I wasn't going to invite them anyway," Changbin said as he tied his skates. "Really? But they're our friends," Felix says as he started tying his skates. "Yeah, but if they're complaining about your cooking, they're not allowed at the apartment."

Felix smiles and watches Changbin put their shoes up. He walked over and helped him up, kissing him. "But...is my cooking really good?" Felix asks as they started walking towards the rink. "Hell yeah, especially your brownies and cookies," Changbin said and Felix rolled his eyes. "That's baking, babe, not cooking," Felix says as he got onto the ice after Changbin. "It's the same thing, now let's have some fun."

"Careful please!"


Ahh, we made it guys! The end of 2020 has finally come and that means new books because now I'm going to spam y'all with Mr. Lee updates(I do apologize for that haha). I know it wasn't the best for anyone including me, I figured out that I deal with a school full of fake people and a few assholes, but that's the joy of high school ig. I'm so so so very proud of everyone for getting through this year! Many people when they fill out my google forms, cause they're fun to do haha, have said that I was something positive or my books were something positive that made they're month and it makes me so happy!

COVID-19 is still around and might still be around for a while but we're going to get through the hell together! My PMs are always open and I'm going to start working on a discord soon if y'all want to be apart of it, please inform me! If you guys also have any genre you want me to try, I'm more than welcome to do it! A lot of people enjoyed Mr. B which I find a bit funny since it's psycho but I'm happy to announce that after my Seungjin and Minsung book that I will be releasing a Changlix one that is once again psycho based but it's going to be a royal AU. I hope you guys are excited for it!

Again, I love you all so much and I'm so proud of every single one of you. I hope 2021 is a better year and remember that I'm always here for you!

I promise I'm not Chan, it probably sounds like I am haha.

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