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Changbin had woken up a few minutes ago but refused to leave his bed, staring out at the snowy weather outside. He whimpers and moved more into the fluff of his blanket, slowly looking at the spot Felix would usually sleep in. He sighs and looked at Snow who was peacefully asleep. "Lucky you," Changbin grumbles as he tried to fall asleep but his brain fought against him.


Felix thanked the driver and paid him before getting out with the few bags he had. He stared at the apartment complex as he adjusted his coat. He looked at his phone and sighs at his mom who was calling him. He answered it and walked to be out of the snow. "Hey," Felix said. "Why aren't you coming? You seemed very excited over the phone," She asks and Felix knew he didn't.

"I'm staying in Korea," Felix said and gave a smile to two teenage girls who walked past him. They gave one back and both started exciting whispering to each other about him, probably. "Why?" His mother asks and Felix huffs. "Because...I don't want to go back to Australia, I found other friends here and they're family to me," He said and the female scoffs. "I am your mother."

"A manipulative mother that is," Felix said as he slowly walked towards the stairs. "You're coming home," She said and Felix chuckles. "Wish I would, mother, but I made a promise to my boyfriend about going with him to his family's Christmas party," Felix said as he walked up the stairs, being careful since they could have ice on them. "B-Boyfriend?" She stuttered out and Felix hums, ending the call.

He made it to Changbin's floor and he slipped his phone into the pocket. "I don't think he's at work," Felix muttered as he walked towards the door. He checked the handle and saw it was locked. He dug through his pockets and smiles as he found his keys. He unlocked the door and slowly opened it, slipping inside and closing the door softly. He slipped off his shoes and looked at the tree and he frowns. He walked over and gave a soft smile at the presents that were under the tree.

He plugged the tree in and he stepped back, looking around and picking up the pillows that had fallen onto the floor. He made sure everything was placed correctly before he walked towards where Changbin's room was. He slowly opened the door to see Changbin's head poking out from his blanket and Snow peacefully sleeping on top of his hip.

The door opening woke Snow up and she lifted her head, instantly becoming a meowing mess as she hopped off Changbin and waddled over to Felix who puts his fingers to his lips. "Shh, you're going to wake up daddy," Felix whispers and picks up the kitten, rubbing her head and giving it a small kiss. He looked at the male who didn't budge and continued sleeping, or so he thought.

Felix places Snow out of the room and shooed her away, the cat walking away anyway to go eat the food Felix had fixed as well. He walked over to the bed and sat next to the male. "Binnie," Felix whispers but Changbin shuffled away. "Go away, Jisung, you're not helping," Changbin grumbles, and Felix peaked over to see Changbin had his eyes closed.

Felix gave a small chuckle and gently placed his hand on the male's head, lightly scratching it. Changbin huffs but moves away. Felix pouts but smiles at the male's action. He checked the time to see it was almost dinner. He gave the male a soft kiss on the cheek before quickly leaving the room.

Changbin, though, sat up at the sudden kiss and looked towards the door which slowly closed. He placed a hand on his cheek as his eyebrows furrow. "Who the hell...?"


Felix walked back into the house and took off his shoes, running his fingers through his hair. He placed the bag of food down on the small table near the entrance so he could take off his jacket. He picked up the bag and walked towards Changbin's room to hopefully get the male to eat.

He opened the door to see Changbin, still, laying on his side with his back facing the door. He walked over and placed the food on the desk, stopping to look at the papers and guitar that seemed to have not moved. He shook the feeling away and walked over to the bed, sitting back down and running his fingers through Changbin's hair. "Binnie, wake up," Felix said and Changbin moved away.

Felix frowns and he leaned over, gently blowing into the male's ear who groaned and covered his ear. "Come on," Felix whines softly, resting his chin on the male's arm. Changbin shuffled away again and Felix pouts at his boyfriend who thought he was Jisung. He crawled over the male and fixed the sweater dress he had on. He sat on his knees and cupped the male's face who kept his eyes shut. "Go away, Ji, go back to Minho," Changbin grumbles and pulled his face away, and shoved his face into a pillow, laying on his stomach.

Felix rolled his eyes and straddled the male's back, moving the blanket down and scratching the male's back gently in a loving way. He moved his hands up and gently massaged the male's shoulders who gave a hum. "Binnie baby, wake up," Felix said and punches the male's back who gave a whine.

Felix smiles and went back to sit where he was before. "Fuck off, Jisung," Changbin grumbles and Felix rolls his eyes. "How nice of you to misname your own boyfriend more than once,"'Felix said and Changbin's eyes shot open. "Baby," Changbin said and tackled the male onto the bed, smashing their lips together who giggles, kissing back. They pulled away and Felix glares at Changbin who punched him. "Why the hell did you leave!"

Felix chuckles as Changbin laid on top of him, squishing him. "My mom said I needed to-"

"Fuck your mom, you're never leaving without telling me," Changbin said and Felix frowns when he felt Changbin start crying. "Binnie," Felix said and rolled so the male was laying on the bed. Felix straddled his waist and cupped Changbin's face. "I'm not, I'm staying here the rest of the year and probably longer," Felix said and Changbin sniffles, his eyebrows furrowing. "W-What?" He said and Felix pecked his lips. "I'm staying, I asked if I could enroll into the school longer and they said it was fine since my grades are really well."

Changbin smiles and brings him down to hug him, moving his hands to rest on his thighs. Felix smiles and placed a soft kiss on his neck. Felix looked at him and pecked his lips, that changing quickly into a kiss by Changbin. "You were nervous last time I checked to get a small peck," Felix said as he pulled away a bit. Changbin smiles at him and pulled him into another one, Felix inhaling deeply and closing his eyes.

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