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Felix walked into a cafe and looked around, spotting Changbin. He smiles and walks over to the counter to order. The girl who was there was smiling at the male who gave one back. "What can I get you on this...snowy morning," She said and Felix gave a chuckle as he removed his beanie and gently stuffed it into his jacket pocket. "Just a hot chocolate," Felix answers and she nods her head, entering it in. "That all?" She double-checked and Felix nodded, taking out his wallet and removing his card.

"That'll be 7.35," She says and Felix inserted his card. "I love your jacket," She says and Felix gave a smile. "Thank you," He replies as he took out his card after entering his pin. "Where did you get it?" She asks as she waits for the receipt to print. "Aliexpress," Felix answers and glanced over to Changbin who was staring at him and was spaced out. He turned back and took the receipt with a small smile. "Have a good day," Felix says and she answered back with, "you as well."

Felix gave a small head bow before walking over to Changbin, glancing at the receipt which had a phone number present. He stopped and folded the paper up and stuck it into his wallet, putting his card back as well. He walked to the table and gave Changbin a light smack on the cheek. Changbin looked at him and Felix smiles. "Hi," Felix said as he took a seat in front of Changbin. "Hi," Changbin grumbles and Felix pouts. "What're you in a bad mood for?" Felix asks as he glanced at the papers which weren't filled with anything but a sentence. "Just...freaking hate this prompt, I can't do it," Changbin complained as he rested his head on the table.

Felix frowned, not really knowing how to help. He reached over and messaged Changbin's head, scratching it since his nails were still long. Changbin sighs and Felix chuckles at him, continuing it for a while until his order was called. He removed his hand and Changbin whines as he lifted his head up. "I'm just getting my hot chocolate," Felix said and got up to get it. Changbin puts his papers away and took a small sip of his coffee. Felix walked back over and Changbin glanced at his nails. "Did you get them redone?" Changbin asks and Felix hummed. "Yeah, Christmas theme," Felix said and showed him the nails. Changbin held his hand like a princess to look at them better. "I like them."

Felix smiles, his cheeks turning a soft pink, and he let Changbin continue to hold his hand. "How is Snow doing?" Felix asks after a bit of quietness. "She's good, she had to go to the vet to get a small check-up," Changbin answers, and Felix hums. "Why?" Felix asks. "When I found her, she was really skinny and had a lot of flees," Changbin answers, and Felix hums. "Did you get the flees off? Or most of them?" Felix asks, glancing down at their hands when he felt Changbin messing with his rings. "Yeah, Minho hyung helped me," Changbin asks and Felix smiles. "Good."

Changbin stared at Felix's hand before laying his head down and placing Felix's hand on his head. Felix didn't question and gently scratched the male's head who smiles and closes his eyes, enjoying the good scratch. "You're a dog," Felix said and Changbin looked at him with a glare. "Shut up, I'm touch-deprived," Changbin said and Felix chuckles, continuing the action.


Felix waited next to Changbin in the veterinarian clinic. "Your not busy?" Changbin asks, feeling bad that Felix was following him. "Nope," Felix answers as he shuts his phone off and puts it under his leg, facing Changbin with a smile. Changbin stared at him before giving a smile back. "Are you just going back to your apartment after this?" Felix asks and Changbin gave a shrug. "If I need groceries, I might go get them," Changbin said and Felix hums.

"Seo Changbin?"

The male got up, Felix following. They walked over and the vet gave Changbin Snow who was sleepy. "She is good and her weight is perfect," She explained with a big smile. Changbin smiles back and lets Felix hold the kitten who cuddled into the warmth. Changbin brought Felix over to the counter and Felix glanced over at Changbin who wanted to get out of the clinic. "You okay?" Felix whispers and Changbin glanced behind him, glaring at the senior who kept looking at Felix. "Someone is looking at you."

Felix smirked and hits him with his hip. "Someone jealous?" Felix asks and Changbin gave a scoff as he signed the paper. "No, I just know the person," Changbin answers, and Felix hums. "Sure," He said as he dragged out the word. Changbin glanced at him with a pout that Felix mimicked, both of them smiling afterward.

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