Day 3- Lightning and Thunder (part 1)

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Warning! Contains: screaming, swearing, lightning, love, happiness, oogies, kissing, pecks, etc

(May 11th, 03:00)



My hand shot to my mouth as my eyes widened and my back sat up straight, my hair a hot mess and my heartbeat racing my thoughts as they swirled through my mind, the images creating in my head hurting tremendously. 

I put on a quick jacket, knowing I had to get out of this igloo. I know it's really big compared to what I used to live in, around 20x20 this room alone, but it's one room with everyone in it. I'll wake them all if I keep this up, and I really don't want that. 

The moment I got my jacket on, my feet took me outside the igloo, running away from my friends, a trail of water behind me. I genuinely do think my bending is broken or something like that, because that happens every time I cry, and it concerns me a lot. 

It concerns Aang, too. 

I know he's alive and healthy and I should thank my lucky stars for that, and I do, but it still haunts me to this day. The way I was when he died was completely horrible, and I can't go through that again. I don't know what I would do without him. Without his kisses, his touch, his hugs, his comfort, without him. I'd completely die. I couldn't survive that. I need him. I really do. 

I sighed, realizing my feet had taken me to the iceberg where I first found him. I know I should really stop crying, because he wouldn't approve of this, but I'm not going to. I fucking hate lightning. 

But oh, how I love the rain. 

I sighed, stepping onto the iceberg, sitting down slowly, my head in my knees. 

I miss him.  


Katara's always so warm. 

I don't know how she does it, seeing she's lived in the South Pole pretty much all her life, where the temperature is always in the negatives, but she's always warm. It's nice, because when I'm not controlling my own temperature she can warm me up. 

Like when I'm sleeping, I'm not controlling my own temperature because I'm trying to sleep, so she's the one warming me up. So when I realized it was fucking freezing here, I got a little bit concerned. My eyes opened as I felt around the bed for Katara. 

She's not here. 

Why's there a water trail leading outside the igloo. 

Did Yue never fix that glitch in her bending? This is fucking killing me. I can't believe shes' actually crying right now. I don't like when she cries. I want her to be happy. This isn't fair. She deserves the world and more 

Wait, where'd she go? 

I jumped out of bed, warming the air around me, as I followed the water trail outside the igloo, outside the street, outside the city. All the way to the iceberg. The iceberg where she first found me. 

Jeez, this place brings back so many memories. 

She was sitting in the middle, hugging her knees, her body shaking in the cold as the wind blew her hair around everywhere. 

"Damn it, darling," I muttered, causing her to look up at me. She gave me a light smile, making my heart swell. I love this girl so fucking much. "Darling?" she whispered. I nodded lightly, my eyes watering as I sat down next to her, holding her in my arms as she sat on my lap. 

"Yeah, darling," I replied, my hands brushing the tears off her face. "You know I love you." She smiled, resting the side of her head on my chest, causing me to smile as I pressed my hand to her shoulder and held her close. 

"What's going on, darling? You know I don't want you crying. You deserve the whole world and more." She smiled, leaning up and capturing my lips in a deep, passionate kiss, her hand on my cheek, slowly breaking off after a minute. "I know," she whispered, her voice hoarse. 

"I know, Aang." 

I nodded, looking around, the rain in my eyes. I sighed, turning back down to her eyes. "The lightning?" She nodded, her hair soaking wet as the wind blew her tears dry, the water getting her wet again. She's so beautiful. 

"You know I'm healthy and alive, right? We're not in the Spirit World, Katara." She laughed, looking around, taking in a deep breath of the rain. I smiled, running my hands through her tangled hair, pressing my lips to the top of her head. 

"Do you cry every time there's a thunderstorm?" 

She shook her head. "No, of course not. I love the rain with everything in me. It makes me feel calm, relaxed, happy... but when the lightning comes all I can think of is October 31st, 100 AG." 


"No, dumbass, the day you died," she laughed, her voice like a bell. I smiled, pecking her head again. "Just messing, sweetheart." I saw a sheet of pink coat her cheeks as she looked up at me again, her lips pressing to mine in a sweet kiss. 

"I love you." 

"I love you more, sweetheart." 


Before I knew what was happening Katara was blacked out, fainted on my lap. I widened my eyes at the huge gash in her lower left leg, from her shin to her knee. What the actual fuck. Was she just struck by lightning? 

My eyes froze on the bloodstains and the skin ripping and burning. 

I was glowing. 

I'm not kidding, that triggered my Avatar State. 

Before I could blink, I had picked her up and was running to the igloo. 

She has to be okay. 

She has to. 


"Avatars, past lives of Aang, please let him come out of the Avatar state. Thank you," Zuko preached, his hands waving around my body. I turned to him, a confused look on my face, "That didn't work," Suki said. "No shit, sherlock," Toph replied, staring at a wall. "Toph, you're talking to a wall," Sokka said. "Damn it!" 

I was still in the Avatar state. I don't know why, because Katara's with a few really good healers now, and she's breathing and actually awake. I know she's safe and awake but I'm still stuck in this stupid Avatar State. And as long as I am, I can't talk. I can't say a word to her and it's killing me. I need to know she's okay, I need her to hear my voice just as much as I need to hear hers. 

"She's okay," Tylee said, smiling, rubbing my arm. I gave her a wary look as she winced, removing her hand immediately. "Sorry. Pulse movement. I do that all the time. Am I in trouble? Don't kill me, you know I still love her." 

I smiled, shaking my head lightly. "No," I signed with my hands, "don't worry." "Wait, you know ESL?" I smiled, nodded. "The Monks taught us. We would lose our voices all the time. They probably knew I was the Avatar, too." Zuko smiled. "That's really cool. The entire Fire Nation learns ESL as a second language against our will because people would burn their throats a lot." I smiled, shaking my head at the floor. 
(i literally wish i knew asl tf-

also just pretend esl (english sign language)(yes that's not true, pretend it is) is a thing, they don't have an America here)

"Anyways," Suki smiled, "Tylee's right. She's okay." I nodded lightly. Sokka gave me a weird look and my vision started normalizing for a second, before turning blue again. Then normal, then blue. "You're flickering like a light bulb," Mai said. She hesitated for a second, then said "yeah, flickering." I rolled my eyes, feeling dizzy for a moment, sitting down. 

"You can go see her." 

I jumped to my feet, eager to see her again, eager to see that smile that could light up the whole world on its own. I ran to her bed, smiling, giving the top of her head a kiss. "Hey," she whispered, her voice hoarse. "Oh, sweetheart," I whispered, climbing into bed next to her. 

"Can we sleep?" she whispered. I nodded, covering her with the blanket and warming her up with my airbending. 

I'm so in love with her. 

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