The Rest of the Week

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"day withou tlaughter is day wasted"

*I realized I forgot to mention that this is happening about halfway through 7th grade*

As the week progressed, Tyler just kept getting on my nerves. In Social Studies he contiued to stare at me. He continued the to sit in my seat at lunch. By Friday, I was done with it. I was sick and tired of taking all of this crap from him.

Hailey tried to convince me to be nice. In fact she was the one who told me to get Tyler to first place but I was done with it. Growing up the only girl with two brothers I don't take anything from anybody and I wasn't going to start now.

That I decide to go up to Tyler and told him exactly what he needed to be hear. I walked up to him in Social Studies and laid it out on the table for him.

"I am so done with you"

"But you haven't even given me a chance"

I was shocked for a second before I retorted.

"Why would I give you a chance if you have barely talked to me. You showed no sign that you wanted to be friends. You have just sat in this class staring at me"

"But I haven't..."

I cut him off. "I have seen you staring and its pretty obvious. And I would really appreciate if you wouldn't sit in my seat at lunch."

"First of all, you don't own the seat, second of all I will let you sit in the seat if its so important to you because I would actually like to be friends."

"Wait really?" I was once again shocked by this guy

"Yes really because it seems so important to you so I will let you have it if it means you will give me a chance."

"Then I will give you a chance."

"Then let's start over, hello, my name is Tyler"

"My name is Grace."

"Nice to meet you Grace, do you want to have lunch with me?"

"I would like that"

"Alright, see you then!"


For the first time that week, I had fun at lunch. Tyler and I talked for a long time, and I learned that my first thoughts about him were wrong, very wrong. He was actually a very nice guy who loved theater. All throughout lunch we talked and he seemed a little sad when lunch was over which surprised me. I mean, we were going to see each other soon again anyway. He walked with me to my class before heading off to his.

Hailey was in my next class and she immediately started to question me. I told her I decided to really give him a chance and that he was actually pretty cool. She stuck her tongue out at me and said I told you so. Of course, coming from my best friend I wouldn't expect anything less.

At the end of the day I was at my locker when Tyler came up behind me.


I hit his arm. "You scared me"

"That was the point."

"Well... Don't do it again."

"Maybe I will, maybe I won't."

"Jeez, your impossible"

"You can't say that, you just met me."

"OK, well, I have to go get on a bus so I will see you later."


"See you on Monday!"

I walked away towards my bus as he turned the other way to get picked up. I might have been harsh at first, but at least now we are friends. I just knew Danielle was going to like him.


Hello reader! Before you yell at me, am sorry for not updating but am high  school student and school(andswimming) comes first. And i am sorry fot the short chapters, really need to get better at writing more. I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far!! Also, since Iwant to get to know my readers better, how about question
What sports do you guys do??
Go ahead and comment your response if you want.


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