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I was talking to Tyler after school, the same day that Danielle interrogated him, when he turned to me and just stared at me for a second. I stopped talking and stared back at him.

"Why did Danielle ask me about having a girlfriend today, I mean, I have only been here for like a week. Does she like me?"

I freaked out. I mean, I know that it was kind of obvious but still, I have to cover for her. I am almost positive she doesn't want him to know. "Like you? No, she doesn't like you. Why would she like you? I mean not that you aren't great but Danielle is very picky and anyways, even if she does she wouldn't tell me. She is a very private person."

"Ya, I'm sure she is a very private person." He gave me a skeptical look. "Well, I have to go so I will see you later."

"OK, bye!"


The Next Day

I saw Danielle the next morning and she looked like she was going to start crying. When she saw me, her face contorted in anger. She came up to me and slapped me.

"What the heck Danielle!!!"

"You told someone!"

"What did I tell someone!?" I tried to calm down. Screaming wouldn't help anyone. "OK, what did I tell that earned a slap from you?"

"You told someone about me liking Tyler!"

"I did no such thing! Do you really not trust me?"

"Well someone found out because someone just asked me about it and you are the only person I told!"

"Well, I will have you know that it was pretty darn obvious when you were talking to him at lunch. He even asked me if you liked him. And you want to know what I said. I told him that I didn't know. That way he wouldn't back off but he also wouldn't think there was no possibility of you two ever going out. You have no reason to be mad at me and absolutely no right to slap me. When you have come to your sense you can talk to me." I was fuming at this point. She slapped me and she didn't even talk to me before getting the whole story. She didn't even get the half the story. I put my hand up to my cheek and I felt it stinging so I headed to the bathroom. I could definitely see a pinkish hand mark on my face. I left the bathroom and I knew who I needed to talk to.

I waited until Social Studies and when I saw Tyler, I practically ran to him.

"I need you to know that I lied to you yesterday. Danielle does like you and I only lied to help her. I'm sure you've heard it already but i wanted you to know from a friend that she does like you."

"Look, I really don't care that you lied to me because you were just helping a friend. But why tell me now and why is your cheek pink?"

"It's still  pink?"

"What do you mean still pink and who did it?"

"She must have hit me harder than I thought." I mumbled under my breath.

"Grace." His voice was no longer light, but very serious.

"Danielle did. She was mad at me because she thought I told everyone she liked you."

"That is no reason for her to hit you. Did you tell someone?"

"No, but..."

"But what. You need to tell someone. "

"Look, Tyler, don't argue with me on this, I'm not going to tell anyone because its not a big deal. Can we stop talking about this now please." He just stared at me for a moment.

"Fine, but if she does anything like that again, tell someone. Or I will for you."

"Look let's just not talk about it anymore." I turned around not letting him continue the conversation even if he had wanted to


I was dreading going to lunch that day because I knew it would involve interrogation from Tyler and apologies from Danielle but frankly I wasn't in the mood for either. I was about to go eat lunch in a teachers room when Danielle ran up to me.

"I'm so sorry Grace. I don't know what came over me but I shouldn't have done that. I think that it would be best if we both stayed away from Tyler... I mean he has just."

"Stop right there. Are you saying this is Tyler's fault?"

"Well ya. This all started when he came."

"No, all of this started when you went crazy on me because you liked Tyler. Look, if you want to cut off your 'relationship' with him then you can but he is my friend and I am going to continue to be friends with him. In fact at this moment he is a better friend then you are." She looked like she was about to start crying.

"See, he is already tearing us apart. Can you not see that?"

"Look, the only thing I can see is that Tyler actually cares and you are crazy. for Pete's sake you slapped me this morning. I am going to lunch and when you are actually using your brain, you can come talk to me and apologize. I'm going to go to lunch now."

" Are you seriously so blind that you can't see what he is doing to us."

"Bye Danielle."


I got home from school with a massive headache and two of my friends, well, at this point I was I wasn't sure if Danielle was my friend at this point because after our encounter at lunch, she had apologized, shot dirty looks at me, and even had the nerve to almost slap me again. At this point I just wanted to to climb into my bed and sleep forever. I was just about to do that when I remembered that I had a life that included swim practice, homework, and more homework. I guess that really isn't a life but its what I got.

I got to swim practice and immediately felt better. The smell of chlorine and the feeling of the water around my body made my headache and stress slip away. This is why I swim. It was a drug for me, when I swam, no matter how hard the practice was, I was hooked and there was no rehab for me.

The practice today wasn't that bad but it calmed down enough that I knew I wasn't going to go crazy on my brothers. I had gotten out of my suit when I looked down at my phone. It wasn't a great phone, a Nokia that looked like a Blackberry, but it did its job. I had 8 new messages from, oh look, Danielle. They went from saying sorry again to saying that she didn't want to be my friend anymore. Just what I needed, a reason not to be able to sleep tonight.


Hello everyone! Um, so please don't kill me for not updating... Really though, I don't know how many people actually care about this book  or even read my authors notes but whatever! Got to stay positive about it all. But here's an update an I think I might update again tonight if I can continue at the rate I'm going.  It is like 10 pm so there is a very good possibility of me falling asleep. But, I love you and keep reading!



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