Introducing Danielle

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The weekend came and went. Monday morning I got to school and saw Danielle, my other best friend. She had been in Seattle looking at colleges with her sister. We greeted each other with a hug. Danielle was a loud and fast talker so she immediately launched into a story of everything she had done in Seattle. In the middle if her story she paused for a minute and asked.
"Have you seen the new guy?' I saw him this morning and he was really cute."

"Ya, he come last week when you were gone. His name is Tyler and he is really nice."

"Well I call dibs on him."

"You can't call dibs on him, he is a human being not an animal." I realized my mistake immediately. No one in our group of friends ever denied Danielle a boy. She didn't have many crushes but the ones she did have were always very serious. She narrowed her eyes at me.
"What I meant was you can't call dibs yet. He just moved here, give him some time."

Danielle nodded her head. "OK, but only a little bit of time. I don't want anyone stealing the guy I like."

"Don't worry Danielle, I wouldn't do that to you. That would be just cruel."  She visibly relaxed and I had avoided awaking the beast that could be. I took a deep breath when I realized what I had done. I had protected Tyler but I had just met him. I had no idea why I had defended Tyler but I had and I didn't regret it. Somewhere in the back of my mind I had the thought that maybe I didn't want Danielle to take Tyler but I immediately out it away. Danielle and Tyler would make a cute couple anyways if Tyler liked her too and knowing Danielle either she would have Tyler or she would give any girl that did have him hell until she got over him or he went out with her. 

The bell rang so I headed to class but I couldn't stop thinking about Danielle and Tyler and the conversation I had with Danielle. I was distracted that the teacher actually came up to me during work time to see if I was alright because I hadn't answered any of the questions she had asked. After that I started to pay attention but I still had those thoughts in the back of my mind. 

By the time Social Studies came around, I still had no idea what had been going through my head earlier. I walked in to see Tyler already seated. He smiled when he saw me walk in. I smiled back. "Hey dude." 

"Hey dudette."

"Dudette, really?"

He put his hands up in surrender"You started it."

"Ya and I am finishing it." I said with a laugh as I sat down at my desk.  

"Have you met my friend Danielle yet?" 

"You mean the really short Asian that came up to me this morning and started talking about a mile a minute and really loud."

I laughed again."Don't tell her any of that. She is kind of sensitive but she is a really nice girl if you give her a chance..." I trailed off after seeing the look Tyler was giving. It was somewhere between curiosity and amusement. "What? Do I have something on my face. Oh my gosh, if there is something on my face then that means that I have had it on my face since this morning and that means nobody told me about it..." Tyler was giving me a look again. 

"Do you do that a lot."

"What?" I blushed as I asked him. I knew exactly what he was talking about. And the answer was yes. I rambled when I was nervous and for some reason he made me really nervous but in a good way. It was one of the weirdest feelings I had ever felt. "Never mind I know what you are talking about and the answer is yes. I ramble when I am nervous or mad or really excited."

"Do I make you nervous?" He looked a little upset. 

"No! Well kind of... Yes... I really don't know why you make me nervous. It isn't like a bad nervous. It is a good nervous if that makes any sense. I don't think that makes any sense. Sometimes things I say don't make sense to myself... And I am rambling again."

"I kind of understand what you mean by a good nervous and you look really cute when you ramble." We both blushed when we realized what he had said. "I just mean that um... that you, I mean any girl looks cute when they ramble."

"Ya, I knew what you meant..."

"It's not that I don't think your cute its just." He took a deep breath, about to continue when the bell for class to start rang. He mutters something under his breath but I don't hear it because the teacher started to talk. He stares at me just about the entire class, just like the first time we met. Except this time I wasn't as freaked out or anything. It was kind of... comforting. I mentally slap myself. What was I thinking. It was weird that he staring at me. I repeated it to myself. It was weird, it was weird, it was weird. 

"What is weird?" Tyler was looking at me with a questioning look. 

"Shoot, I said that out loud! I'm sorry sometimes I talk out loud when I am thinking really hard about something. Anyways, it is just something that happened earlier. Nothing important." I tried to sound convincing but I don't think it worked because he gave me a curious look. The bell rang and we were saved by the bell, again.


Later on at lunch, the awkwardness from earlier had disappeared and we were joking around and eating. Danielle came into lunch late and sat down next to me. 

"Sorry, I had to go talk to a teacher about my grade but I am here now! Oh, and you must be Tyler, I am Danielle. How are you today?"

Tyler looked a little overwhelmed. "Um... I mean... I guess I am doing good. And it is nice too meet you I guess." If Danielle heard him say I guess, she ignored him.

"Nice to meet you too, so where did you from? Never mind, I just remembered Grace said you were from Seattle. I was just there last week because that is where my sister wants to go to college. Do you miss it? Are people being nice to you?"

"I do miss Seattle but the weather is nicer here and the people have been really nice."

"Do you have a girlfriend?" I turned to her. 

"Danielle!!" I looked over at Tyler who looked a little embarrassed. "You don't have to answer that if you don't want to. And I apologize for Danielle."

"No it's okay, and to answer your question, no I don't have a girlfriend."

"Well, that's good." I glared at Danielle. I grabbed her arm and dragged her up.

"Tyler, if you would excuse us, I need to talk to Danielle for a moment." I didn't wait for him to answer as I dragged her into a corner of the cafeteria away from anyone else. "What the heck Danielle, I told you to go easy on him. He has been here for a week. You need to calm down."

"Sorry but I just had to make sure. If he did have a girlfriend I would have to break them up and that would just be a pain in the butt. Anyway, lets go get back to my future boyfriend." I sighed, I had a bad feeling this might not end well for Danielle. 


1,311 words!!! I am very proud of myself!! So here is an update. I have decided that I want to make a vote goal. If I get 8 votes or 5 comments, I will upload on Saturday. If not it will probably be another week before I upload. Enjoy reading! 



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