The first day

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I saw him first. He slipped into the class right as the bell rang. Everyone was too absorbed in their own worlds of their phones and their friends. He sat down in the chair in the back, diagnal from me. I stared at him for a second. Then, surprisingly, he started staring back at me. He had a Justin Bieber sort of haircut, brown eyes, and the longest eyelashes I had ever seen on a guy. I immediately labeled him as a douche bag type. The teacher introduced him in the same manner they always do, "Class, this is Tyler Jackson. Tyler, could you tell us where you came from?"

"I'm from Seattle," it was clear he hadn't hit puberty yet, as his voice was almost as high as mine. I looked up, and instead of his eyes wandering around the class as they had seconds before, they were-again-locked on me. I blushed and looked away. Why am I blushing. He looks like a douche bag. Why would he act any different than what he looks, all the other guys act like what they look like. He's not going to be any different. He sat back down. We watched a movie that day in class. The entire time I felt him staring at me, and every time I turned around, he didn't look away. Class ended and as I gathered up my stuff, he walked up to me. He opened his mouth like he was going to say something, and then turned around and walked away. Well, now he is a douche and a weirdo. 

I had one more class and then I had. I walked into lunch room with my best friend Hailey, only to find the Tyler kid in MY seat eating crackers. CRACKERS for petes sake. He looked up when he saw me. 


I didn't know if I should give him a chance or not.

"It's just, um well" I cleared my throat "That's where I normally sit."

" OK"

He turned back to talk to Frannie, a flirt who thinks she's all that. I turned to Hailey who shrugged her shoulders. I turned around and sat in a different seat.

All through out lunch I gave him death stares that he either ignored or didn't see. When the bell rang for the next class we all got up and as he got up to leave, he turned to me and winked.

I was taken aback. He winked. At ME!!! Total douchebag move if you ask me.

The rest of the day went by uneventful until I realized at the end of the day that his locker was practically right next to mine. And he was there. At his locker. Right next to me. He was the last person I wanted to talk. He opened his mouth but this time sound came out.

"What's your name"

"Wouldn't you like to know."

"Well, ya, that's why I'm asking you"

" It's Shakira" I answered dryly.

"Sure it is, really, what's your name?"

"Its Beyonce, now I need to leave because otherwise I am going to miss my bus."

I turned around and walked away. I want going to tell him my name. If he wanted to know he could figure it out himself.

Throughout all of this, I still made my bus.


I am going to try to not leave authors notes as much but just saying my friend edited this so that's good. Also, this story is up to 2 votes which is great. Sorry about not updating. I will get better at it. I'm just new to everything so I kind of forget that people are waiting for my updates. Once again if you have any questions about the story, leave a comment and I will make sure I answer.



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