Random. Not so random tidbit from something else.

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A/N: Lemme know what y'all think.

Pulling up the prairie home, she was giddy. She hadn't seen him in a months time and she was more than anxious. Not only was it her regular nervousness of being closer, but this time she had news to share. One she hoped he'd receive with joy to match hers when she'd discovered it weeks ago.

Securing the duffel bag that she pulled from the backseat over her shoulder she made her way up the walkway. As she reached the door, she took a deep breath and rang the bell. Hearing the sound of the bolt receding she prepared herself to fall into his arms. As it opened, she took a step back. Standing before her was a woman.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Lisa apologized. "Maybe I have the wrong house, but I could've sworn this was it." She knew it was, but she didn't want to flat out ask who the woman was or why she was there.

"It's okay. Were you looking for someone?"

"Nelson Rogers," Lisa answered. "I swear he—"

"That's my brother."

Lisa's eyes lingered on the woman. She did look like him. Fair skinned, held his height, similar facial features. Only difference was their weight, giving her face more fullness.

"Brother," Lisa pondered. "You must me Tyka. I've heard a lot about you. Umm, could you do me a favor and just let Nelson know that Lisa's in town."

"Lisa..." Her name was spoken with concern as Tyka's eyes began to soften. "Lisa I think you should come in."

Although hesitant, Lisa took her up on the suggestion and followed her inside the home.

Lisa sat at the island while Tyka made tea for them both. Camomile. The only option since Nelson had been suffering from a cold, he couldn't seem to shake. That was a few weeks ago, last time they'd spoken he told her he'd felt better. Even gave her a Skype call to discuss plans for themselves during her next visit. This visit.

The sudden placement of the two steaming cups had broken Lisa's train of thought. "Thank you."

It took awhile before the host began to speak. "You know my brother told me he'd been seeing someone but I thought he was joking. He hasn't gone steady with in anyone in a long time."

Lisa had never considered them an item. Neither had he, at least that's what he told her. To hear the opposite made her even more ecstatic to tell him the news. Knowing that he wanted more, that he felt more, made it even easier.

"When's the last time you spoke to him?"

"Two weeks ago."

"What day," was her proceeding question.

"Huh," Lisa chuckled, "Why so specific?"

"My brother transitioned Thursday, the 25th."


"Yeah," she replied slowly. "He passed last week."

She couldn't breathe. It suddenly felt as if the room was closing in on her. "Your last name is Wilkins, right?" Lisa hadn't heard the question. Her mind was clouded. He'd transitioned. He'd left. "I think he wrote you into his will, but he failed to put in your contact information. Or give it to his lawyer. That's why I'm here. I was hoping he'd written it down somewhere."

"How did it happen?"

Tyka was taken aback by the question seeing how she said so much but her response was a question of something entirely different. Still she obliged.

"My big brother was sick. I don't think he'd come to terms with it and he fought against treatment. Then out of the blue, he decided to go through chemo."

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