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Season 1, Episode 1

     QUINN SIGHED AS she opened the door to the studio, she had a few minutes before she had to go to school so she decided to head to the piano to read Wake Up once again.

Quinn took her usual seat at the piano and ran her fingers softly along the keys. No sound came out due to how light her fingers were. She glanced around, her eyes stopping at her mom's unusual decor idea of sticking chairs to the ceiling and smiled softly. She looked at the song and her lips moved to the words but she refused to use her voice to sing it.

During the song, Quinn could feel her mom's presence behind her, as if she was reading over her shoulder and singing the song, however it disapeared when Quinn finished reading the song. Another sigh escaped her lips as she placed the paper down and stood up, grabbing her hand and leaving the studio.

The teen wrapped her arm around her sister's shoulder and knocked her cap back to reveal her face. "Seriously Julie? A hat won't hide your identity."

Julie sighed and put her cap back on normally. "It's my last chance to stay in the music program, maybe if I wear the hat my teacher will forget about me."

"I very much doubt that, Jules." She took her arm off her sister. "Look, I understand how you are feeling but something as simple as playing a melody on the piano will help you stay in school."

"Actually that reminds me, are you ever going to tell dad you got kicked out?" Julie asked, with a small smirk.

Quinn let out a sarcastic laugh. "I'm applying again next semester okay, there will be no need to tell dad if I technically never left."

Julie shook her head. "I still have no idea how you hid that from him."

"I know dad's password to everything." She winked at her.

The two soon arrived at the school and Quinn stopped her younger sister. "Okay, you are going to kill it. Alright, because if you don't, I will kill you."

Julie rolled her eyes. "Whatever, disappointment of the family." She chuckled, walking into the school.

"Hey!" Quinn called out. "Someone had to be it and it wasn't going to be you or Carlos!"

Julie glanced over her shoulder and stuck her tounge out before finally entering the school. Quinn smiled and walked away from the building, heading to her favorite place, the beach. Once arriving, she sat down on a log and pulled out her note book, skimming it until she found a clean page. She then began to draw her surroundings, this was a talent that not many people knew she had. Quinn was an impeccable artist.

Her foot tapped almost silently against the floor until she received a text from her friend Stiles, he lived in California too but unfortunately he lived a few hours away in a place called Beacon Hills. He seemed to have a bit of a weird life as there are times he would ignore her for ages, once he ignored her for three months. He came back and said he had lost his phone but Quinn always wondered if it was actually something else about the town of Beacon Hills.


'What's up, Stiles?'

'I was wondering if you knew anything about a beast that you can't look at or you'll turn to stone.'

'Like Medusa?'

'That is what I'm thinking of, thank you!'

Quinn shrugged and put her phone back in her pocket before getting up and beginning her walk home, stopping to get a hot dog on the way. It tasted disgusting but street dogs hadn't killed her yet. She walked down the street, smiling politely at those who passed her, many not smiling back at her. She was surprised how quick the day passed, Quinn doing hardly anything other than visiting the beach.

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