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Season 1, Episode 9

     THE PLAN WAS set, the boys were going to get their band opening for Panic! At the Disco. Willie, Alex's ghost friend, was going to sort out the other band first. This left the Molina girls at home filled with excitement and anxiety as they waited for eh guys to return.

Julie sat on the couch bouncing her knee while Quinn paced around the room, mumbling to herself. It wasn't long until the boys came back, the older Molina turned to them, her hair hitting her in the face.

"Oh my gosh! What took you so long? Did Willie do it? Did you talk to them? Did they watch? Did they like us? Are we playing? Someone answer! Why is no one answering?" The girl ranted.

"Whoa! That's a lot of question." Reggie said as soon as the girl stopped talking. "Luke, you wanna take this one?"

"Take a seat."

Quinn sat down on the couch with her sister, who had stood up when the boys arrived, and listened to the ghosts. They kneeled down and smiled.

"It's fine." Luke nodded. "Everything's fine."

Alex nodded. "Yeah, you should be getting a call right...now!" He pointed at Julie's phone but nothing happened. "Okay, right...now!" This time the phone did ring, causing everyone to burst into cheers.

"Answer it!" Quinn said, hitting her sister's shoulder.

The younger Molina nodded and quickly answered it. "Hello?"

"Hi, this is Tasha from the Orpheum in Hollywood." The group jumped up and danced around. "Is this Julie or Quinn from The Molina's and the Phantoms?"

Everyone paused and Julie grabbed her phone. "This is Julie."

"Hi, are you available to open for us tonight?"

"Yeah, totally! Thank you so much!"

The boys lifted Alex up while Quinn jumped on the couch and Julie stood on the coffee table.

"We're playing the Orpheum, baby!" Quinn cheered.

"I'm swimming." Alex chuckled, making swimming motions as he was held up by Luke and Reggie.

Quinn and Julie headed inside to get their outfits tonight. Quinn was going to wear a blue sparkly dress and a leather jacket over it. It was similar to Julie who wore it in purple. They had also planned the order of their songs, deciding to start with Stand Tall.

The teen walked down to the studio to see Luke, Reggie and Alex wincing. "What's wrong?"

"We just got rocked pretty hard by one of those jolt things." Alex sighed, holding his side.

"Pretty sure I just ghost peed a little." Reggie mumbled.

Luke smiled at the girl. "But we're fine."

"I'm a little nervous." The girl admitted, playing with her sleeves.

Reggie shook his head. "No need to be, you will kill it!"

The girl smiled and looked at Luke. "Can I talk to you for a second?"

The ghost nodded and walked forward while Alex and Reggie walked away. "Yeah?"

"I just want to say that, um, you're like the boy boy who's ever made me feel comfortable in a relationship. Apart from that hiccup at the school."

Luke chuckled lightly and rubbed his neck. "I'm still sorry about that."

"But, I want you to know that I don't think I could ever find a guy like you again. I want you to have this." She pulled off her mothers ring and dropped it into his hand. "Wear it during the performance?"

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