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Season 1, Episode 4

     QUINN WALKED OVER to her locker, bobbing her head to her music.

"You're in a happy mood." Lily noted as she pulled out Quinn's ear phone. "Why are you so happy?"

Quinn rolled her eyes and took out her other ear phone. "No reason."

Lily shook her head. "Not the right answer. Oh my god! Is it that boy from your band?"

"No, it's not Luke."

"Oh, his name is Luke?" Lily smirked. "Come on tell me about him."

The girl groaned. "Okay fine, we spend the whole weekend writing songs for the band and he even helped me record some."

"When are you two going to get together? This is like destiny."

Quinn shut her locker. "I told you he lives in Sweden. We are not going to end up together."

"Seriously, just saying I am the captain of this ship and I really hope it sets sail soon cause its betting boring in the dock." Lily pouted.

"It's probably not going to set sail for a while." Quinn chuckled. "Anyway, do you wanna hear one of the songs we wrote?"

"Duh!" Lily smiled, linking her arm with Quinn's and walking to the music room with her.

The Molina girl sat at the piano and Lily furrowed her brows. "I thought you couldn't play- wait...has Luke been teaching you? Aw! That's adorable."

"Shut up." The girl blushed. "This is the chorus to one of the songs. 'Cause we're standing on the edge of great...great...great."

"Aw, I was just about to show Flynn that." Julie spoke, walking in with her friend.

She smiled at her sister. "Well when it's done, we will preform it for them."

Julie smiled at Lily. "So this is a song we had been working on with our mom, Luke and Quinn finished the lyrics and I did the notes." Julie sat beside her sister and played the notes.

"And it's one, two, three, four times
That I tried for one more night
Light a fire in my eyes
I'm going out of my mind." Quinn sang with her sister joining in on the words at the end of every line.

"That's beautiful." Lily said, tears in her eyes. "I'm just gonna go to the bathroom." The girl ran out and Quinn chuckled. 

"My girls got a crush and his name is Luke." Flynn smirked at Quinn.

The older Molina's head snapped to the girl. "Luke's a ghost!"

"Ha!" Julie smiled, pointing at her sister. "You didn't deny it!"

"Just remember he's made of air."

"Cute air." Quinn mumbled.

Julie nudged her sister. "Just don't get hurt, okay? Obviously you guys have a connection."

Flynn nodded and leaned on the piano. "Yeah, everybody's talking about when you'll play again."

"Play again?" Julie asked. "We don't even have anything planned. We've just been focusing on writing songs."

"Lucky for you two, your marketing team has been way ahead of you."

Quinn crossed her arms. "Flynn..." She said in a warning tone.

The girl smiled and pulled out a poster that read The Molina's and their Hologram Band. Tonight at the Dance! "Yes you do! And surprise, you're playing the school band tonight and I'm DJ-ing too. I posted it all over social media. You have an excellent marketing team."

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