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Season 1, Episode 2

     QUINN PULLED AWAY from her sister, just as Flynn walked inside. The teen put Luke's guitar back before she kissed Julie's head and fist bumped Flynn as she walked past. She stopped outside of the door to see the three boys trying their best to pretend they had been there the whole time.

Reggie was sat on the floor, his knees up to his chest, Luke leaned against the door and Alex seemed very interested in the wall lamp.

"Wow, guys. Totally didn't know you guys had listened. I did see you, you know." She said sarcastically.

The trio looked at each other in embarrassment. "Uh, you're really good." Luke smiled.

"Thanks." She smiled back at him.

"Why didn't you tell us you can play the guitar?" Reggie asked.

Quinn crossed her arms. "You only asked if I could play the piano. My guitar is the six-string on the wall. But I do play the piano, just not as good as Julie."

Luke nodded and Julie walked out with Flynn. Quinn winked at Luke and walked away, planning to give the girls a lift to school and for once, actually go to school herself.

"Hey." Julie smiled at the boys, making Flynn turn around. "Let's hustle."

She glanced back and waved at them. "Don't worry, we weren't listening." Reggie smiled, making Luke kick him.

Julie played off her wave as if she was swatting a fly away and then pushed Flynn out to Quinn's car. When they reached it, Quinn realized she had left her bag in the studio, she headed back and opened the door to see Luke with no shirt on.

The two made eye contact and froze. Reggie and Alex looked between the pair. Quinn broke the eye contact and grabbed her bag. "I'll see you tonight boys." She squeaked out before shutting the door.

She kept her eyes to the ground as she passed her dad, not wanting to show her red face. She got back into the car and drove to school. Quinn parked and the two girls went inside, meanwhile the teen took her time upon entering the school. Once inside she was tackled into a hug by her best friend, Lily.

Lily was a red-head book worm, not that Quinn minded. She was a lovely girl. "Quinn! It's been two weeks, why did you leave me?"

Quinn chuckled. "I'm sorry but when I got kicked out of the music program, I kinda just...didn't want to be in school. But...I did play again this morning."

"Please tell me you're gonna apply next semester." Lily spoke, linking her arm with Quinn's.


The two walked into history class and Quinn took her seat beside a boy named Tom, he was a bit arrogant but he could be sweet sometimes. He did have a tenancy to flirt with every girl he saw and Quinn was no exception.

"Oh, hey Quinn." He smiled at her, leaning on his desk slightly. "Where have you been?"

"Why do you wanna know? Been missing my come backs?" She asked sarcastically.

He shook his head. "Missing your beautiful looks."

"Very funny, Riddle." 

The class the started and through the rest of the school day, Quinn had to deal with Tom's obnoxious flirting. Lily being her only salvation at lunch when they decided to go to the music room, which they believed was empty, to hear Quinn's song.

"Okay, so I wrote this when I was angry at my mom for dying. Yes I know it's stupid to be angry about that because she had no control but still."

Quinn sat at the piano and gently pressed the keys, Lily leaned forward to hear her friend. She had missed her voice and hadn't heard it in a year.

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