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Season 1, Episode 5

     "IS EVERYONE FIRED up for Molina's and The Phantoms?" Flynn asked the crowd to which they cheered. "Great! Keep that fire 'cause that's later. We're a bit behind schedule, but don't worry, just enjoy these mind-blowing beats."

Flynn walked over to the Molina sisters who stood back stage. "Molina's and The Phantoms?" Quinn asked, crossing her arms with a small smile.

"I had some free time in French class and you better like it because I registered it on Insta, Snapchat, Twitter-"

"No, we love it." Julie smiled. "But we'd love it even more if the actual Phantoms were here."

Flynn looked behind the girls and then grabbed Quinn's arm, the older Molina looked back to see Julie now talking to Nick and understood why Flynn pulled her away. They stopped at the other side of the stage.

"So, how's you and Luke?" Flynn asked.

Quinn rolled her eyes. "We are fine. It's just a little complicated having a relationship with a ghost, well its not even a relationship since he never asked me out. We tried to hold hand but it obviously didn't happen and I swear he wanted to kiss me-" She stopped herself. "I'm ranting aren't I?"

"A little." Flynn nodded. "But its cute. Have you written any songs about him?"

"Maybe." She blushed.

Flynn put her hands on her chest. "My baby's growing up."

"I'm older than you, Flynn."

"Don'r ruin the fun. So what's the song called?"

Quinn smiled a little. "It's called Angels."

"I refuse to die without hearing that song, you'll have to let me listen to it at some point."

The older girl chuckled and put her hands in her pockets. "Of course, I plan to sing it to Luke first though. But you'll be able to hear it at some point." She pulled out her phone to check the time. "They're 15 minutes late."

By 11 o'clock, the boys still hadn't arrived and that led to Quinn deciding to take a walk down the empty hallways of the school. She finally stopped at her locker and sat on the floor, she didn't care how dirty it was. She was angry at the guys, especially Luke.

A few moments later, she was joined by Tom. He sat beside her. "You okay?"

Faintly, Quinn heard Nick on the microphone. "Hey everyone! We fixed the hologram thing. Who wants to see a show? Now give it up for The Molina's and The Phantoms!"

"Oh, god. Sorry Tom." She ran into the hall and saw Julie now holding the mic. "Uh, hi. So here's the thing...even though we got the machine fixed, thanks to Nick...I can't seem to link up with the guys. Wi-Fi, am I right? I'm sorry, but...I'm gonna have to cancel."

The crowd broke into gasps and annoyed comments. The boys still weren't here. Quinn sighed and watched Carrie walk onto the stage. "Um...anybody know the Heimlich? Julie's choking." She took the mic off Julie. "Who wants to see Dirty Candy?"

The crowd cheered but Flynn grabbed the knob on the stand and broke it, smirking she said. "Oops, knob's broken."

"Party at my house!" Carrie shot back, making everyone follow her out of the school.

Quinn looked at Julie and gave her a small smile before walking back into the hallway, Tom was still sat in the same spot. She sat beside him.

"Now will you answer my question?"

"I'm not okay." Quinn answered. "We couldn't link up with the guys so no performance and no date."

"I'm sorry."

The girl shrugged. "What can you do?"

The boy sighed. "Seriously, though, I'm sorry. I'm sure you would have killed it if they were here. But why didn't you guys perform without them."

"It's just better with them. Plus the harmonies would sound bad if we didn't have the guys with us. We practiced with them so Julie and I can't just change it suddenly."

The two talked for another hour and then Tom left, he offered to get food with her but Quinn refused. She watched him leave and moments after, she stood and walked slowly back to the hall. On her way, she stopped as Luke ran towards her, out of breath and alone.


The girl looked down and put her hands in her pockets. "What do you want Luke?"

"I am so sorry we bailed on you. I'm sorry I bailed. I know you wanted me as your date so that Tom guy would leave you alone but-"

"I don't want to hear your excuses, Luke." She cut the ghost off. "You know how much this meant to me...to Julie. We have been through so much and you just do this to us. And Luke, you know that my relationships have never ended well. I hoped-" She paused. "I hoped you'd be different."

"I-I am, I swear." He moved closer to her. "We had to do something and the night got away from us."

Quinn rolled her eyes to try and stop the tears. "I know you were trying to get back at Trevor, but like I told you. To get back at him all we had to do was make this band great and to do that we have to play at-"

"Dances, the clubs and then tours." Luke finished. "Look, Julie left the band."

"So she should." Quinn mumbled. "What you guys did, it's going to be a while before either of us forgive you...so for now, consider the band over."

The girl began to walk away, Luke reached out to grab her hand but it went straight through her, allowing Quinn to keep walking as nothing was holding her back. Although she paused just before the doors and looked back at Luke.

"There's a song in my note book, it's called Angels. When you get home, read it." Was all she said before walking out, deciding to spend the night at Lily's.

Luke's shoulders dropped and he poofed home, he walked into Quinn's room and grabbed her note book off the shelf. He flipped to the page with the the title Angels and began to read. It soon dawned on him this song was how Quinn felt about him. She pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket and tucked it into the note book, hoping Quinn would read it.

{Another short one as the episode is all about The Hollywood Ghost Club again. I absolutely love The Other Side of Hollywood, its such a catchy song but my story doesn't usually focus on the boys but Quinn and her sister so other than the ending of this part and maybe something in the future chapters, I won't focus on what the boy's are doing}

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