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"Felix! Wake up!"

A long whine came from the male. "Do I have to? Can't I just be homeschooled this year?" Felix calls as he lifts his messy, pastel purple-haired head up from his soft pillow. "Yes, you have to go. Jisung is going to come all complaining and whining to me that you aren't at school," Ms. Lee says as she enters her son's room.

Felix looks at her. "Dress, now." Felix huffs as she left the room. He laid his head on the pillow and whined as he kicked his feet against the mattress. His summer was probably better than his last summers because he could drive now.

He sighs as he got out of bed, nearly tripping because he still was half asleep. He jumped as his phone rang. He turned it over and shut his alarm up before walking over to his closet.

"Felix. Don't wear sweatpants this year like you did the first day of school last year."

Felix slowly retracted his hand that was reaching for his soft, black sweatpants that were calling his name. He looks at his mom as he grabbed a white tank top and a button-up shirt with the words 'no bad vibes' scattered around it.

She smiles and leaves the room entry while she closes the door behind her. It was only 10th grade but he was already done with high school, half of his friend group already having boyfriends and all that fun shit

He grabbed a pair of high waisted shorts and changed out of his pajamas. He looked in the mirror as he tucked the shirt all the way. He slipped on the button-up shirt and fixed the collar, liking the outfit but it felt like it was missing something.

He snapped his fingers as he pointed to himself in the mirror.

"A belt."

After finding the belt, which was located in his little sister's closet for some idiotic reason, he slipped on ankle-length socks. He grabbed his phone and slipped it into his back pocket and grabbed the backpack that was by his door.

He walked down the stairs and placed the bag near the shoes and next to his little sisters. "Olivia. Why was my belt in your closet?" Felix asks as he walks towards the dining table where his sister sat. She looked at him with her spoon, which had cereal on it before, in her mouth that received a disgusted look from his brother. She swallowed her food and spoke, "cause uh...your clothing is good?" Felix rolls his eyes and answers, "I know that but why my belt? You already took all of Rachel's clothing, belts actually."

Olivia smiles at him. "Felix, stop scolding your sister and eat your breakfast," Ms. Lee says. Felix glares at Olivia before walking over and sitting where the breakfast was present. "Can you take Olivia to school? Work called in early," She says. "I guess," Felix answers in a grumbly tone, shoving his pancake bits into his mouth.

She smiles and kisses both of their heads before walking to the door. She slipped on her shoes, high-heels, and left the house.

"Okay, peasant. You do the dishes after we finish eating," Felix instructs as he takes out his phone. "Why?!" She whines. "Uh...because I'm your older brother and I can boss you around," Felix says as he looks at her. "But...I did it last time," Olivia argued and Felix slowly looked at her. "Actually, nerd, I did it last time so you do it," He said and gave her a short glare. She looked at him. "What did you eat last night?" She asks and Felix gave a smile. Olivia huffs and ate her breakfast. Felix finished before her and he left the table, his sister whining as he walked up the stairs to put in his earrings.

After they both finished getting ready, they both slipped on their shoes. He grabbed his bubble gum pink lanyard but stopped. He slowly turned around and glares at Olivia as they left the house.

He locked the door and snatched his glasses from his sister. "These are mine," Felix says as he unlocks his car, throwing his bag into the back. "Ah. No, you keep your bag up there," Felix says as he gets into the car.

Olivia huffs as she sits down. "You know I love you," Felix says as he started the engine. "Can I have gum at least," Olivia asks. Felix points in the cupholder where the small container that held bubble gum was. "Only one or I'm throwing you out of this car," Felix says as he puts on his sunglasses.

Olivia opens the container and takes out a piece of bubble gum, handing one to Felix. "Thank you," Felix says before he started chewing the gum. "You really couldn't throw me out from the car, you know that right?" Olivia says as she slowly reaches for the AUX cord.

Felix smacked her hands away and plugged in his phone. "Yes I could," Felix says as he presses a button that removed the top of the car. "You forget that mom and dad got me a convertible mustang." Olivia huffs and looks at Felix's phone.


"Hell yeah, we're playing Twice!"


Olivia covers her face as she exited the car. "Bye, Oliv!" Felix shouts as he waves. "Shut up!" Olivia whined, giving an awkward smile towards the kids who were looking at her. Felix gave them a wave and watched his sister close the car. "Love you, honey, have a great day at school," Felix said and she groaned, walking over to meet her friends. Felix snickered and turned down the volume since he didn't want to get yelled at by one of the bossy staff members. He fixed his glasses before following the line of cars out of the drop off area.

He arrived and he turned off the engine, fixing his hair as he got out of the car. He didn't even make it five feet from his car when his butt was met with the concrete with three males on top of each other, suffocating him.

"I can't breathe, fat asses! Get off!"

They all got off and Minho helped Felix stand up. "Lord have mercy on my ass. I still need this thing," Felix says as he dusts the dirt that was on his butt. Everyone laughs and Felix looks around. "Guessing Chan is still getting changed from football practice?" Felix asks as he adjusts his shorts before they start walking.

"Yeah. He should be done in 3..2..-"


Jeongin squeals as the football player picked him up by the waist, pecking his lips.

"At least-"

Hyunjin skipped over and took Seungmin's hand, kissing his hand.


Jisung giggles as Minho attacked him with kisses.

"You know what...nevermind."

Everyone laughs at Felix. "I heard someone likes you," Chan says as they start walking. Felix looked at him as he blew a bubble. It popped and he burst out laughing at Chan's statement. Chan looked at Jeongin confused who was just giving him a cheek smile, not bothering to look at his single friend who was dying.

"Oh my god...y-you're funny."

Chan and the other captains stared unamused at the single who was laughing. They all look at each other and Chan rolled his eyes at Minho who was trying not to laugh at the other Lee.  "I'm serious," Chan says as he looked back at Felix. Felix calms down and wipes the single tear of joy that fell. "Yeah, yeah...sure."

The younger's laugh and they all continue their walk to the cafeteria, Felix slipping his keys into his front pocket which made the lanyard hang down.

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