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Mrs. Lee opened the front door and smiles at Changbin who smiles back. "He's up in his room," She says and Changbin nods his head, entering the house. He slips off his shoes and walked up the stairs, smiling at Felix's sister who eyed him.

"Excuse me," She says, stopping Changbin from entering Felix's room. "Yes?" Changbin says. "What business do-"

"Olivia! Let my boyfriend in my room!"

Olivia's eyes widen and she quickly runs off. Changbin enters the room to see Felix standing in the middle of the room, arms crossed over his chest. He was in high-waisted shorts, a jersey tucked in, and a jacket.

Changbin closes the door and sets his overnight bag down. He walked over and picked Felix up, the younger giggling as he wrapped his legs around his waist. "You ready?" Felix asks as Changbin walked over to his bed.

The older hummed and nodded his head as he laid down. "You're squishing me! Changbin!"

Changbin just smiles as he got comfortable on top of his boyfriend.


Felix looks at Changbin who had fallen asleep on his shoulder, their hands in his lap. Felix felt someone pull his hair and he turned his head, glaring at Olivia. "Yes?" He whispers. "Why didn't you tell me you had a boyfriend," She whines as she pouts.

"Cause, knowing you, you would try to be embarrassing," Felix says. She gasps. "No!"

Changbin groans and he lifts his head up. "Sleepy baby," Felix says turning his attention to his boyfriend and pinched his cheek. Changbin smiles and Felix fixed his hair, kissing his nose.

They pulled into the parking lot and everyone got out of the car, Changbin chuckling as he saw the high-school basketball team waiting. They entered the stadium and surprisingly the team's seats were close to Felix's family's seat.


Changbin's friends nudged him and he looked at them. "Kiss cam is coming on," One whisper. "What are y'all whispering about," Mrs. Lee chimes in with a smile. "Kiss cam. Seeing if it'll land on Changbin and he'll kiss Felix," One speaks since Felix was getting snacks with Olivia.

Mrs. Lee snorts. "I hope you don't get slapped," She says as she faces the court. Changbin chuckles and sees Felix walking up with Olivia running in front of him. She stopped which confused everyone as they all turned their heads to see a girl sitting next to Changbin.

Everyone shrugged their shoulders and went back to what they were doing before, adding Felix into the conversation now but changed the topic.

Everyone in the stadium cheered when the kiss cam came on. It showed different couples, each reaction getting funnier or cuter as it went on. The camera panned over to where Changbin was but it was aimed at him and the girl.

Changbin's face dropped as he stared into the camera. Felix, who was sitting next to him, was looking at the screen with a sad look. The whole team, who were behind the two, were trying to move the camera's attention to show Changbin and Felix but it wasn't' listening.

Changbin sighs and turned to Felix. He turned Felix's head and pressed his lips against his boyfriend's. Felix's eyes were wide and the camera quickly panned to them, the stadium cheering. Changbin pulled away and gave a smile towards Felix who was blushing furiously.

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