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2 weeks later


"I'm not 7th wheeling!"

Felix shakes his head. "It'll be fun," Minho says. "No. Imma going to be stuck with all you coupled people and my single butty doesn't want that."

Minho rolls his eyes. "You have to be social to get a boyfriend," Jisung points out. "I'm not a social kola! Be happy y'all match my crackhead energy," Felix says.

The three younger's laugh at him while the three older stared at him with an unamused look. "Plus. I have to take my little sister to dance, wait for an hour and a half then go get her," Felix says. "Doesn't that sound fun," Jeongin says. "It's not. I do homework at the cafe that's 5 minutes from the studio. This old lady thought I was a college student."


"Olivia! Hurry your ballet butt up!"

The girl ran down the stairs with her bag in her hand. "Finally. Thought I'd have to take your place," Felix says. "You couldn't do any if our dances," Olivia says as she puts on her slides. Felix pats her head before they left the house.

"Why do you have your bag all the time?" She asks. "'Cause I do homework at the cafe. There is no point in driving 15 minutes to come home only to drive another 15 to pick you up," Felix says as he starts the car.

Olivia nods her head and plugs her phone into the AUX.


Olivia groans as she exits the car. Felix snickers as she closed the door and walked to the studio doors. Felix sighs and drives out of the parking lot to the cafe. He got out of the car after parking and turning off the engine.

He walked inside and ordered a drink and a small dessert. He walked over to an empty table and sat down, pulling out his binder to get his homework. He pulled out his pencil and started working on his algebra homework, zoning out for a few minutes and occasionally taking sips of his drink.


Felix jumped and looked at who had spoken to him. "Oh. Hi," Felix says with a smile as the male took a seat in front of him. "What're you doing at the cafe?" Changbin asks. "One, homework. And two, because it's 5 minutes away from my sister dance studio," Felix answers, taking a sip from his hot chocolate. "What about you?"

"Tryouts finished and I thought I deserved an award," Changbin says as he leaned back. "Really? It's been 2 weeks already?" Felix questions. Changbin nodded his head. "Yeah. We get our results tomorrow," Changbin says, eyeing the math equation Felix was successfully doing.

"You're really good at math," Changbin points out. Felix looks at him and smiles. "Thanks. I'm only good at algebra, everything else is like death," Felix says which caused a light chuckle to come from him. "You think you can help me?" He asks. Felix thinks before speaking, "who's your algebra teacher?"

"Mr. Kang. I have him 3rd period."

Felix's eyes widen at Changbin's answer. "I have that class with you! How did I not notice you?" Felix grumbles. Changbin shakes his head with a small chuckle. "I'm on the far side of the classroom and I'm quiet," Changbin answers as he pulls his binder out from the bag he had brought as well.

"Let's come to an agreement here," Felix says, "that sub can deep throat a stick and choke on it."


Olivia knew that if Felix didn't come to get her in 5 minutes after class ended she would walk to the cafe he's always at, which is what she was doing right now.

The cafe came into view and she picked up her walking pace, wanting warmth and not death. She glanced at a table to see Felix and another boy, joking and talking. She raised a brow as she stared at them, but she shrugged the thought away and walked inside.

She walked over and cleared her throat, catching both of their attention. "Crap! Sorry, I lost track of time," Felix says as he starts putting his things away. "It's okay. It's only your first time forgetting," Olivia says, side-eyeing the male who sat in front of Felix.

"Who's that?"

"Be nicer."

The male chuckles and shakes his head. "It's alright, Lix," The male says. "I'm Changbin. I'm guessing you're his little sister," He asks as he raises his brow. Olivia gave a nod, eyeing her brother who was lost as to why she was basically glaring at him.

"Are you-"

"Let's get ice cream!"

Olivia stared offended at her brother who interrupted her research question. "I was asking a question and you interrupted me," She complains and Felix just smiled at her, shoving her towards the entrance. "Bye, hyung, see you sometime tomorrow," Felix said and Changbin gave a chuckle and nod. "Bye, Felix," Changbin said and watched the sibling bicker as they left the cafe.


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