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Felix rolled out of bed, literally, but he caught himself. He sat on the floor and blinked slowly to get the dryness away before he even attempted to get off the surprisingly comfortable floor. He eventually decided to get off the floor, and he walked over to his closet as he rubbed his eyes. He yawns as he grabbed a pair of athletic pants and a cropped tye-dyed sweatshirt. He slipped them on and looked in the mirror, shrugging his shoulders.

He grabbed his bag as well as his phone and left the room. He walked down the stairs and came to a stop when he was met with his mother. "Good morning," Felix says with another yawn. "Did you stay up playing video games?" She asks as she raises a brow. "No," Felix answers with a scoff, though it was true. "I was studying."

"Really? What ended the war of 1812 in America," She asks. "The treaty of Ghent," Felix answers after 2 seconds of getting his tired brain to function. She smiles and ruffles his hair. "Olivia told me you were helping a boy with math yesterday."

"It was just someone," Felix mumbles as he adjusts his bag that he now had on his shoulders. "That's what they all say," She says with a chuckle. Felix stared at her before sighing and leaving the front door after grabbing his keys and putting his shoes on.

He walked to his car and got inside, placing his head on the steering wheel. He turned on his car and rubbed his eyes before putting the keys into the engine and driving to get coffee.


Felix groans as he lays his head on his closed locker door. "I don't want to be here," Felix whines softly to himself. He opened his locker when he heard footsteps coming over. He looked over and pulled out a smile when he saw it was Changbin.

"You look like a mess."

Felix rolled his eyes at him as he took out his books. "Thank you. Someone didn't actually say I looked nice today when I'm not," Felix says as he closes his locker, holding the book to his chest. "No sleep last night?" Changbin guessed as he leaned against the locker.

Felix nodded his head with a yawn. "Yeah. Video games," Felix answers. "Someone needs a nap," Changbin said with a chuckle as he ruffles Felix's hair. "Again. Correct," Felix says. "I gotta get to cl-"

"Let me walk you."

Felix tilts his head at him. "Why?" Felix asks. "Can I not?" Changbin asks as he walks next to Felix. "We've literally talked two times. One over coffee in the morning and yesterday for a small tutoring session," Felix says.

Changbin shrugged his shoulder. "Fair play, but I don't feel like being early to my class as usual," Changbin answers. "Someone got a crush on you and trying to talk to you," Felix says as he gently hits him with his hip. Changbin rubs the back of his neck with a chuckle. "Yeah."

Felix chuckles softly and looked forward. "Welp! We're here," Felix says, giving a small wave before walking inside the class. Changbin turned and walked off to go to his own class.

Felix sat down at his desk and sighs, rubbing his face. He wanted the day to be over with quickly so he could take a nap. The teacher walked in and stood in front of the class. "Alright, class. I have a lot of papers to grade and enter into the grade book so today will be a free day. You can do whatever you want but keep it down."

Felix celebrates silently and he takes out his headphones, stopping though. He stood up and walked over to his teacher's desk who looked up. "Yes, Felix?" She asks. "Can I go to the library?" Felix asks. She nods her head, knowing Felix was a good student.

He smiles and walks over to his desk, grabbing his bag and leaving to go to the library.

He arrived at the library and walked inside, smiling at the librarian as he passed the desk. He gets to the back, where are the bean bags were, and he puts his things down and flopped onto the large comfortable object. He plugged his earbuds into his phone and scrolled through his thousands of playlists until he found his calmer and soothing one.

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