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"Is football season almost over."

Chan and Jeongin look at the boy who was whining. "We literally started last week," Chan says. Felix groans as he lays his head on the table. "But it's so boring!" Felix says as he rests his chin on the table, "there is nothing fun about it."

Jeongin raises a brow at the older. "Re-"

"It's my opinion so shut teh fook up," Felix says. "What got you so pissy?" Jisung asks as Felix fully lifted his head up. "Mr. Kang is gone and we got this whack ass substitute teacher and she's pissing me off already," Felix complained before slamming his head back onto the table, everyone staring at the male with concern since he didn't let out any noises out of pain. They looked at each other before bursting out laughing, receiving kicks from Felix; besides, Minho quickly brought his legs up into his chair. "Why did he leave?" Jisung asks since he was in the class as well but was absent yesterday. "Husband," Felix answers as he lifts his head up.

Jisung nodded his head. He looked around and poked Felix's leg with his foot causing the male to jump. "Do you need something?" Felix asks. "Basketball team." Felix slowly turns his head to look at the team. He shrugged his shoulders and turned back to the table, laying his chin on the table as he stared at his friends who were now conversing with their significant others. He sighed and laid his head down, stomping his feet lightly, whining, "I hate being single."


Felix sighs in relief as he laid his head down, glad he finished his test. He glanced at the clock and internally groaned, having 25 more minutes of his 7th period. He looked at his shoes and pouts as he saw his feet barely touch the floor.

He gently tapped them against the floor as he stared at the book that he had laying on the table, debating on if he should read it or not. He shrugged his shoulder and placed the book in his lap. He stopped the small beat he made and rested his head on the table; closing his eyes for a small nap.

Felix lifted his head abruptly when the bell rang and his knee hit the table in the progress. He whimpered and laid his head on the table, rubbing his knee. He shook the small pain off and scooted away from the table. He stood up and grabbed his bag, slipping his arms through the straps.

He followed the students who were leaving, walking right to his locker. He didn't drive today since he was in the mood to walk but realized it was a bad idea now. He opened his locker and puts his books away, closing his locker afterward. He walked towards the entrance and spotted Jisung, waving at him when the male looked at him. Felix fixed the cardigan he had on as he walked down the crowded hall, luckily not getting trampled by the giants of the school.

He finally exited the school and lets out a breath. "Jeez. People are snails," Felix mumbles as he slips his hands into the cardigan pockets. He hums softly to himself as he walked down the sidewalk towards his home.

It was Friday so he didn't have to be home to take his little sister to dance class. He was going to take a long way home but he was also going to the park so he could walk around.

He arrived quickly at the park, which surprised him, but he shrugged the thought away. He walked slowly through the tree surrounded pathway that was still emerald green, along with the grass. The weather was chilly, even though it was summer. A breeze picked up, slightly, and he smiles as the trees gently swayed in it.

He heard loud cheering and laughing and he stopped, looking around to see where it came from. His eyes landed on the basketball court in the park. He moved closer to see it was the old basketball team with what looked like freshman's standing to the side who were fanboying over the older kids.

Felix's eyes scanned the boys, his eyes landing on a black-haired boy. It was hard to recognize him at first without his glasses but he recognized him, thanks to Jisung's constant nagging. He watched for a bit, slowly getting soaked into the game, but he snapped out of it when he remembered why he was watching them. The male Jisung kept nagging him about was amazing. Felix glanced at his watch which had a text from his mom, telling him to pick up the pizza. He texted back and walked away from the basketball court, frowning at the thought of the basketball season being so far away.

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