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Weeks had passed since Bette saw the woman she had taken up with recently. No calls, no texts, just silence after the fallout. Felicity was solemn in her distance. All she wanted was to feel wanted, desired, chased. None of the things she had ever felt with Bette. To her she was a void that had been filled. Felicity knew that she could never be what Bette wanted or needed, but still she was there hoping.

Felicity decided she needed closure or at least some sort of explanation so she gave in and reached out. Bette still hungover from her emotional night with Shane replies without thought. Again she was drug in by Felicity for more of cat and mouse play. Seemingly dazed Bette rolls from her bed accidently slipping off. Catching herself in laughter she is saddened as she wondered once more who this person was. Bette Porter would never laugh at the disgust that she had become yet there she was unbothered and at peace. She is startled as Angie plops beside her.

A face of surprise she greets her daughter taking her in for an emotional hug of both happiness and shame. "Mom, what's wrong"? Angelica worriedly asks. "Nothing sweetheart, I just have all the feels from my visit with Mama T, I'm alright" Bette lies. They stare intensly as Angelica's eyes spark, " You've been drinking". With a stark sigh Bette appeases the question " what, you have no idea what you're talking about". " I, I just have so much work that I have to get done I haven't even had time to think about drinking".

Skeptical Angelica let's it slide knowing that her mother was lying. "I have to get up, are you going to be fine staying the night at Jordie's"? Smiling giddily Angelica assures Bette she will be ok. They share moments of bonding before both setting out for the day. Bette now having plans to meet up with Felicity drives across town to their secluded spot. Felicity glares from across the way showing Bette how furious she is. "I didn't come here to fight with you" Bette shakenly says. "I came here for answers Bette, nothing more nothing less". "What if I told you I didn't have any that you wanted to hear"? " I would say it's too late for that response, you don't just get to fuck me for months, break up my marriage, and now walk away unscathed. What kind of world do you think you live in Bette!"?

"Truth be told Felicity I don't have any answers I just found myself accepting and coming here even though I know it's wrong." Bette cried "I fucked up , I know and I know I'm being selfish. I need, I need something I just can't find it, I don't know what I'm looking for or how it brought me here." "I just feel so alone, so broken, and I don't know why". Bette sobbed. Felicity as angry as she was understood and gazed into Bette's eyes "You don't know what you're looking for because you've already found it. Seeing Tina made you realize you still aren't over her, isn't that the truth"? Felicity asks "It's over between us, she's moved on and so have I"? Bette argued. "If that were true we wouldn't be here right now, you wouldn't be here looking a mess again, I wouldn't be here picking up the pieces of this again if that had ever been true". "Women who have moved on don't just jump on a plane in the middle of the night and fly across the country for someone that they're over. Every time you lay eyes on that woman you fall apart, you drink your fear away, and you are reckless". Felicity slams " And anyone that ever gets between you too gets burned and left behind.

"It's fucked up and I just don't understand how you still have these feelings! What about my feeling Bette? I love you, I've been there for you. I was there for you through the divorce, I was there for you when Kit died, and where is she, where has she always been?" Felicity demands

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