smoking Alice

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Tina sits for the first time at the studio eradicated from the chaos on set.  She grabs her phone noticing she's missed a called from Alice.  What could Alice possibly want she thought.  The two had grown apart since the divorce and things were still unsettled.  Reluctantly she tries to call reaching the voice-mail instead.  "Alice, it's me Tina I saw that you called and I just wanted to know what was up, give me a call when you get this".  Tina hung up annoyed at any connection to that part of her life.  She had moved on, grown up, and evolved.  Honestly disgusted at any reminder of who she used to be she glares at her desk and cries.

Family pictures of Bette and Angelica stare back at her and she fights again to erase the bond, the history, the chemistry, and the agony of not knowing.  Although intent on marrying Carrie there were no markers of their life together almost as if their relationship was in  box.  Tina lost for the first time in her work was taking the angle from Bette that she had always hated.  She missed Angelica more than anything but yet she was conflicted.  With Carrie she had everything she had always craved, but never received from Bette. They were both equal and their relationship was nice so to say, but deep down Tina knew Carrie could never be what Bette represented to her.  She knew the admiration, the dedication, and passion would never be the same and in a way she was longing in private.  In most ways she missed her life and her family.

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