Facing emotions (4) pt.1

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I'd like to start out by saying if anything is italicized  then it is a memory being told/explained. anyways hope you enjoy!

-George POV-

"Mum! I got the ornaments down, come help me decorate the tree!" I shouted as I hear excited taps come down the stairs. I turn to see my cat followed by my mother appear. "The tree's already set up, I decided not to bother you with that!" She walks up to me with a sorrowful hurt look in her eyes. I couldn't stand the thick tension. We hadn't had enough time to set up the tree when we normal did, we had been busy getting test and staying in the hospital. We had just gotten the dreadful news the week before and didn't know how to feel. "I'll be back in a second." she says while turning to the kitchen and boils some milk. I remember the moment I got the call. My knees felt wobbly and I started to feel the lump in my throat having the vivid image flash through my mind. I dazed off, recollecting the memories. "Honey your hot cocoa is ready, come get some while it's warm." I glace over at the kitchen while she stirs in her mix. She smiles warmly at me. The room felt sweet but sorrow. "Coming mum, I'll get started on some cookies in a minute." I smiles back.

I wake up and look around. I was still in the cabin, the sweet scent of holiday cheer no longer filled the air and I realized I was taking sharp painful breathes. I hated the Holidays, not in a bad way I enjoyed the cheer and enjoyed everyone's presence but I hated remembering... When I felt my heart race cease to it's normal beat I sat up and grabbed my phone. 2:34 is the time it read. I sit for a second and weigh my options. I can get up and go get something to drink, or I can lay back down and go through the dreadful memories. I got onto my feet and stretched and yawned. I shoved my phone into my hoodie pocket and step out of my room careful to close the door to not wake anyone up. I walk down the stairs and turn on the kitchen lights. Once we got home the night before everyone watched a movie, near the end I got exhausted and went to bed, picking the room across from Clays. Here I was, in the middle of the night to afraid to go to sleep because of memories. I open the fridge and yawn again, I pull out some apple cider and pour myself a glass. I close the fridge, sit down, pull out my phone and scroll through social media. After a few minutes of taking 3 sips of my cider and mainly looking through my phone, I hear a door open. It's nick, he walks over to me surprised by my presence. He looked exhausted but wiped the sleep away from his eyes and yawned while saying, "Well look whos up early." I chuckled softly with a hum for a response and ask , "What are you doing up?" Right as I ask that he opens the pantry (My home territory >:O). "Hungry." He responds with bluntly. He grabs some chips and sits next to me. "What 'cha up to?" He asks striking up a conversation. If I'm being honest I wasn't very social but me and Nick were pretty close so I didn't mind it here and there. "Couldn't sleep that good, I improvised and now I'm here. You?" I shoot him a questioning look? He opens the bag and responds, "Hungry." we both give of a soft chuckle and scoff and go back to doing our own business. I began feeling uneasy as I remembered how confused I've been feeling lately. He looked at me with a worried look. "You good man?" "Yeah sorry I'm just... I don't know what's up with me it's weird." He looked confused yet like he understood. "If you need to talk man I'm here. I'm trustworthy I promise." He chuckles out. "But seriously. If something is bothering you I'm always open to talk." I consider it for a second. I did trust Nick I was just worried he might be a little weirded out by my messy mix of emotions. "I-.." I begin talking. "I'm just- I feel unsure about everything right now. I always feel this way when Christmas draws closer but zit's so much worse then normal. I feel so... eugh...." I manage to plop a brief summary of my emotions and he studies it for a sec. "What do you mean by that?" He asks. "I...I don't know. It's the normal feeling of dread because of the past but this year something is just making me feel nervous and anxious. Like I'm having a mini panic attack 24/7..." "Do you have any idea what it is that's making you feel like that?" I tried to think of an answer deep within me and the first thing that came to mind was... Clay.

"Alright Mum, I'm off to call my friend. If you need anything just call me alright?" I walk up the stairs and give her a genuine warm smile. She smiles and nods and I head to my room. The ringing on my side lasts for a few seconds until I hear, "George? Can you hear me?" "Yup, Loud and clear Clay. How are you doing?" I met Clay like two weeks before on a public Minecraft server. We have been talking and he's really cool. I told him about  my situation and he seemed genuinely concerned and caring for me.

"I don't know why...." I look at Nick.

He laughed and said, "Couldn't be better, I'm talking to the one and only Georgenotfound." He mocks my Minecraft gamer tag. "Oh knock it off 'DrEam'" I shoot back at him while we both laugh at each other.

"And it's not in a bad way..." I begin again.

"So you down to play some Minecraft? I found a cool technique on how to build a nether portal faster." He interrupts the laughing. "Of course man, I just finished decorating my house and I think I could chill for a bit." We both hop onto a new Minecraft world..

"But I think that the reason I feel this way..."

I wish I could stay on this call with him forever.... The clattering downstairs and the upset grunts catch my attention as I dash out of my room without saying saying another word to Clay, my Mum was the only thing on my mind right now. Nothing else seemed to matter, she had to be okay...

"Is because of Clay." I say and look up to see Nicks expression change from confused to worried.

1140 Words

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