Midnight talks (11)

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-Georges POV-

What is he doing here? It is like 1 in the morning- did he hear it all?

I felt my stomach churn and my legs became weak.

"Clay? What are you doing up?"

"I'm not sleepy, obviously you're awake, wanna hang out?"

No. Not right now, I need to get a hold of myself...

"Sure, what do you wanna do?"

"T.V.?" he asks

"You bet." I reach for my airpods. (Flex) and turn on Netflix from my laptop.

I grab my Laptop and we lay together on my bed.

"So what were you and Nick talking about. You've been stressed all day are you good?"

I nervously chuckle and turn to look for shows or movies to watch. "We were just talking about something kind of personal, nothing serious he's just being a good friend. What should we watch?"

He starred at me for a second with a pissed off expression. Then he shifted and gave me caring and worried eyes. "Whatever you wanna watch, I'm cool with it." I hand him a airpod and put on a random movie. He didn't seem tired but I felt my eyes constantly fighting to close and rest. Every blink was agony and eventually I gave in, falling asleep next to the man I loved, who didn't love me back.

-Clays POV-

What did Nick tell you? You seemed so stressed when I walked in. Is it about me? Do you know I like you? My mind flooded with worrisome ideas and thoughts but I brushed it off as I watched the really slow and boring movie. Nothing really interesting was happening so I got distracted in my own thoughts until I was brought back down to earth by something nudging my shoulder. George. His eyes shut, peacefully sleeping. I pause the movie and take out his airpod putting it back in the case before putting mine up as well. I slide the Laptop to the side and bring the blanket up to his shoulders.

Damn it George... Why do you have to make me love you more every second.

I shut my eyes and eventually passed out, the lack of sleep finally hitting me hard. I am never letting go. I thought as I held him in my arms. I love you George...

-Georges POV-

Everything was black, again it was as if I was blind. This time was different though, I couldn't move. But I could hear. Vaguely, but I could.

A T.V. was on in a different room, indistinct noises came from it but I could hear a man humming a melody. A familiar Melody, How do I know this song? Better question was, Who was the man? In all my nightmares it had never included my Dad or friends, so who was it?

I heard as the man stopped humming and I heard the sound of footsteps walking down a long hallway, echoing off the invisible walls. The T.V. sounds becoming more and more quiet until it was completely gone, as if it evaporated into the darkness leaving nothing but the footsteps of the man getting closer and closer until I finally heard-

George? Wake up.

I jump up, Clay beside the bed already dressed and awake.

"hm..?" I mumble dazed, not aware of what is going on.

"George!" Clay whisper yells with a hint of excitement in his voice. "Get up, put on a jacket I wanna show you something!"

I sit up and look outside the window. It's still dark. "Clay, what the hell? What time is it?"

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