Happiest Place in the World. (16)

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WOW FIRST OFF THANK YOU FOR 400+ READS THAT'S AMAZING! Now this story was one of my first ideas and I'm so happy I decided to wright it for y'all, I hope it makes you as happy as it does me! I have 2 ideas of an ending and I'm trying to decide which one. (They're both good, don't worry) Anyways enjoy this chapter, I will be updating like crazy for the next few days, I will probably finish it sometime by new years. I'm guessing for there to be around 21ish chapters. Thank you all so much for voting and reading! :D <3

-Georges POV-

I sat on something soft, a towel? a Blanket? No, a carpet. I looked around and things became more clear and defined. I was in a room. What room? I've never seen this in my dreams before? usually there's something familiar in my nightmares.

I glance around and study the new area. There was basically nothing in it, no decorations. Just a bed, a chair, and a closet. I stand up and walk to the only door in the room, it leads to an unfamiliar hallway. I hear a soft voice around the corner, something faint enough for me to recognize it as familiar, but not recognize who it belongs to.

"This nightmare can't get any worse..." I take small steps down the hallway to feel myself gain weight, being pushed down, each step becoming more and more painfully difficult.

I turn the corner and walk down the stairs to see Clay. Sitting on a couch staring over at me with a warm smile. It all comes back to me, this isn't a strange house, this is Clays.

"there you are..." He stands up and walks over to me, taking me into a warm hug. I felt... Safe?

"I was worried why it was taking so long..." He rest his chin on top of my head and took in a long breath, relief flowing put of him and onto me, I felt so warm and safe. This can't be true, this has to be a nightmare, where is this going to lead? 

I keep my guard up and me and Clay make our way to the couch. He cuddles close to me and holds me tightly. I can't help but loose the feeling of suspicion and I warm up to his sweet embrace.

"George." He says in a deep seductive tone.

"Clay...?" I look up at him and see his warm gaze looking down at me. His smile rubs off and I smile back.

He leans down, our lips connecting.



"GEORGE!" I jump awake to see Clay shaking me. I had been staying at Clays house for around 2 days, Christmas was only 3 days away.

"Oh... G'mornin Clay." My British accent was often heavy whenever I just wake up.

I sit up and look at him, the past few days have been really.... Boring. We didn't need to go shopping and there wasn't much to do besides stay in. I was too scared to try and get up close to him, so I just sat awkwardly around trying to entertain myself.

"Get some clothes on, I have an idea of what we can do today. Actually, pack some clothes for a few days, we won't be back until Christmas Eve afternoon." He smiled smuggly at me and I gave him a confused look which he blew off and walked out of my room.

I reach for my phone and check the time, it read 5:36 am

Why the hell is he waking me up this early?

I stretch and pack a small backpack with things I will need, clothes, tooth brush, all that crap.

I walk downstairs and see Clay putting on his coat.

"You ready?"

I yawned tiredly. "Sureeee..." I say sarcastically.

He has a huge grin plastered across his face. He opens the door to the outside and motions to the car right in the front, already on and warmed up.

"I'll let you sleep on the way, get in." I walk out and he follows after me, locking the door and jumping in the car.

It was toasty in the car, Christmas music was playing out the speakers and he must've had some sort of air freshener because it smelt like hot cocoa and peppermint in the car. I lean against the chair, bringing my legs to my chest and feel my eyes begin to flutter down. Before I pass out again I feel his hand run softly through my hair, stroking me gently humming a melody.

-Clays POV-

I had the best idea the night before when I was taking a shower. George and I had been staying in doing basically nothing, it was all so awkward so why not do something fun? Disney World.

He had never been there before, it would be a great experience! And we would be together. Just us, in a hotel, going around and admiring the beautiful sights. Like a date- No, no. Don't make it weird.

I look over at George as he passed out, I ruffled my hand through his hair and hummed along with the music. He's so cute... I drive for a few hours until we arrive, I had booked in in such short notice, my cousin works high up for Disney World and pulled some strings. This is going to be a great surprise. I drove to the hotel outside of Disney World, Okay so I wasn't fortunate enough to get a hotel in the park but hey, it's still pretty cool.

I park my car and pull out my phone. 7:23 am

We weren't supposed to check in until 7:30 so I sit for a few minutes and admire George.

"George... Get up, we're here." I gently shake the peaceful boy.

He looks over at me and groans. "George?" He mumbles something and opens his eyes.

"C'mon, we can sleep once we're inside." I feel so tired myself, but I wanna make sure that he's okay.

He gets up, we grab our things and head into the hotel.

I get our room card and we arrive. George throws his things on the ground and jumps on the bed. I slip into the bed beside him and immediately pass out.

Finally, some god damn sleep.

-Georges POV-

I wake up after a good nights sleep to find myself wrapped around Clay. Actually, he's also wrapped around me. His face stuffed in my neck and he has his arm around my back. Shit. My face turns pure red and I look around at our new surroundings.

His breathe warm against my neck, I push him away in hopes to get over myself. I arrived so exhausted I didn't even look around to think where I was. It seems to be a hotel, but why?

I get up off the bed and look down at my crush, hugging nothing as I had left his arms. I grab my phone and walk to a window. It was 9:52am and the sun was shining brightly outside.

I sit on the couch and scroll through my phone.


"mmm..." I hear Clay readjust and awake. "George...?" He turns his head, making eye contact with me.

"good morning. " I say and avoid eye contact with him, pushing back the memory of the position we were in."

He gets up and grabs his phone. "Damn, wanna go get some breakfast before we go?" He grabs a shirt out of his bag.

"Sure, but where are we going?" He walks into the bathroom holding his new outfit.

"It's a surprise, but wear something warm, we won't be back till later tonight!" He shut the door and I began grabbing all the things I would need. "here's a hint, it'll make you very happy!" He shouts through the door.

I ponder for a moment, Where can he take me that I will be happier? The happiest place in the world is in his arms. I chuckle to myself and adjust my hair.

1338 words

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