1. Meeting 👀🏠

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Abhi and Sid are sitting in their car. Abhi is driving and Sid is on passenger seat.

Sid: Abhi how much more time will it take to reach?
Abhi: Sid have patience. We will reach in five minutes.
Sid: I cant I'm so excited for this lifestyle.

Abhi giggles at his brother's innocence. Finally they reached. They took there luggage out and went inside the bungalow. It had two rooms. One kitchen bathrooms attached to each room. And a living room.They settled there luggage. When there doorbell rang. Both went to open the door. They opened the door. They saw two girls. They we're having there luggage .

Girls were Avneet and Vaishnavi.

Avu: Hey I am Avneet Kaur and she is Vaishnavi Rao.
Vaishnavi: Yeah we are gonna share this bungalow with you two.
Abhi and Sid invited them inside. They both got fresh up and the four decided to be introduced too each other while having dinner.
EOC~ ❤️❤️
Abhishek and

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