8. Revealing the dreadfull past of vaishu 💔😈

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They came to have dinner. When Abhi asked.

Abhi: Vaishu, u and avu wanted to tell something right?
Sid: Yeah tell us please I am eager to know.

Hesitation covered girl's faces. But the managed to speak.



Vaishu and Avu were in class 12. This was the day when Vaishu completed one year in relationship with Bhavin.

 This was the day when Vaishu completed one year in relationship with Bhavin

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She was carrying a rose to give to him. Suddenly a boy came and said there is a surprise for her in the auditorium. The became happy and thought that Bhavin did for her. But no. She went to the auditorium. She saw Bhavin putting black paint on her picture. She went to him.

Vaishu: Bhavin what the fuck are u doing?
Bhavin: Don't dare to call my name from ur bloody mind.
Vaishu: But why?
Bhavin: Okay so here listen to the audio and see the video.

Vaishu heard the audio and saw the  video. She was shocked.

Bhavin slapped her and went away.


Vaishu was sobbing by now.

Vaishu: After sometime he said that he came to me. He again slapped me. And said that he wanted to get over me beacause he thought I was clingy.

Abhi immediately went to her and hugged her tight. She buried her face in his chest. Cried her heart out.

Abhi: He never deserved you.
Vaishu: But I loved him truly.

Abhi's pov.... When vaishu said she loved him. Don't know why but my heart skipped a beat. Anyways comfort her Abhi ke bache. (End of pov)

After sometime she calmed down.

Vaishu: Today is that same day this happened.
Avu: Even my past is related to this date.
Abhi: Avu ur story we will listen tomorrow till now make Vaishu sleep.

Avu nodded. All of them went to the room. Avu helped Vaishu to laugh 😂.

All of them drifted to sleep. Except for Abhinavi.

Vaishu's PoV... Today when I told Abhi and Sid about my past he came and hugged me. It was warm and soothing.i never felt this with any one. Maybe because he is my best friend ❤️⚡️. (End of pov)

Abhi's pov.... Today don't know why but I can't stop thinking of Vaishu. (End of pov)

Both drifted to sleep with each other's thoughts 🖤👀.

End of the chapter ~ ❤️❤️

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