2. Dinner 🥮🍭

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All freshen up and came to the living area. Girls were wearing a sleeveless tee and shorts looking hot then hell. Boys were watching them out. Girls noticed this. Vaishu and Avu looked at each other and they smirked. Vaishu went to Abhi and avu went to Sid.

Avu wrapped her arms around sids neck and leaned close and.
Avu: Sid mien hot hu na?
Sid: yeah
Avu then snapped and he came back to reality. He became awkward.

Vaishu pinned Abhi to the nearest wall. And said .
Vaishu: Abhi mien Bohol sexy hu na?
Abhi nodded but suddenly came back to reality and he to became awkward.

Both the couples went to the table and started eating. Meanwhile Avu and Vaishu were laughing and the bro's were embarrassed.

Later everyone became normal got introduced to each other and went to there room.

End of the chapter ~ ❤️❤️

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