3. Thoughts of telling~asking 💔⚡️

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At night.

Girls room
Vaishnavi was doing something in her phone and Avneet was completing her skin care routine. When suddenly Vaishu spoke.

Vaishu: Avu should we tell Abhi and Sid about our past?

Avu widen her eyes.

Avu: Why do you think so 🌪⚡️?
Vaishu: See Avu I understand that they are new. But their faces tell that they are trustworthy. Anyways we have to live here for next 3years right?
Avu: Vaishu but still let's wait for a week or two.

Vaishu nodded.

Boys room
Abhi was reading a novel and Sid was in washroom.when Sid came back Abhi asked him to sit with him.

Abhi: Sid tell me one thing don't you think that their is something hidden in Vaishu and avu's eyes?
Sid: Yeah like some deep hidden secrets.
Abhi: Should we ask them?
Abhi: I want to but I guess we should wait till they tell us or will ask?

Sid nodded.

All the four drifted to sleep.

End of the chapter ~ ❤️❤️

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