6. Pub 🍩🥂

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3 weeks passed

Abhinavi and sidneet were best friends now. They spent these week happily knowing each other the best. Now only one week left for their collage to start. One fine day. Vaishu and Sid made breakfast 🍳. Abhi and Avu came to have it.

Abhi: Guys lets go to pub today.
Avu:  yeah in fact after collage starts we are gonna lose our freedom.

They decided to go pub.


Abhishek and Sid came after getting ready. Outfit:

They were waiting for vaishneet 🤗🙏🏻

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They were waiting for vaishneet 🤗🙏🏻.

Sid: Why do they take so much time?
Abhi: Don't know bro!!!!

They came out boys were looking with mouths open.

They came out boys were looking with mouths open

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Abhi: Vaishu u are the prettiest 👀😍

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Abhi: Vaishu u are the prettiest 👀😍.
Sid: Avu u are the hottest 🔥💕.

Vaishneet blushed . Then sat in the car boys in front and girls at back.

Vaishu: Hiw much time Sid?
Avu: Yeah we are so exited!
Abhi: Calm doom ladies will reach in 2mins.

They reached the club.

End of the chapter ~ ❤️❤️

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