Chapter 5

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Your birth month

January - I ate 

February - I kidnapped 

March - I mugged

April - I licked

May - I coloured

June - I melted

July - I drunk

August  - I sang

September - I kicked

October - I scratched

November - I burgled

December - I lost

Your colour shirt

Red - The cookie monster

Orange - An owl 

Yellow - A bed

Green - A violin

Blue - A bear

Purple - A moose

Pink - A life

Black - A pair of leggings

White - A snow owl mutant

Grey - A flying snowman

Brown - A reindeer

Multicoloured - A penguin with bleeding eyes

Your favourite animal  

Dog - Because I love you

Cat - Because I'm a bag of weed

Horse - Because I play Skyrim

Llama - Because I'm epic

Rat - Because I'm a sock

Mouse - Because I'm a free elf

Snake - Because the Internet made me retarded

Penguin - Because I'm cool like that

Owl - Because I was raped by a tree

Pheasant - Because I'm a fail

Unicorn - Because I'm as threataning as a pink butterfly stuck on a marshmallow

Bear - Because YOLO

Wolf - For Narnia!

Hyena - For Lady Gaga!

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