Lost Girl- Theo

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Thirsting For Part 4! Yes part 4 and the last one I wrote
(I can't be the only to think Peter would have been a good dad albeit over protective dad, right?)

Word Count: 2,287

(Ignore the fact that Ms. Morrell and everyone at Eichen house might have been taken at this point)

You were in Ms. Morrell's office at Eichen house, talking.

Ms. Morrell told you, "Guilt is a good thing. It is a rather mature emotion"

You stated, "You've said that before. Plenty of times"

"Because it's true. For the past three months, all you've felt is guilt. For Theo, the Desert Wolf, your foster father"

You felt like you could have done something to stop Theo, to change him but you didn't even try. You felt like there was another way to stop The Desert Wolf. You felt like you should have told the police what was going on inside that foster house before.

"I know that" you said.

"The Desert Wolf, why do you feel so guilty about killing her?" asked Ms. Morrell.

"I've told you before. Because I killed her! I ended a person's life"

"Y/n, you're a good liar but that's not why you feel guilty. It's more than just taking a person's life"

You took a deep breath, "She was my mother. And I just remember imagining what she was like when I was younger"

You never thought she was some power crazy were coyote assassin. You imagined her as human, sometimes as a werewolf. That maybe she was just really young when she had you or she got raped. Anything but the truth. You imagines that she gave you up because she cared but the truth was your aunt Talia took you and Malia because your mother didn't care but your aunt did.

Ms. Morrell pointed out, "You don't talk much about your past: your time in the foster system before Beacon Hills"

Because it was hell. That's why you didn't talk about it.

You admitted, "I was just a lonely little girl who cried herself to sleep she wanted her parents so bad and could never understand why they gave her up"

(Yeah. I kind of took that line from Once Upon a Time)

You said, "I never thought that I might have a sister or that my parents were psycho power crazy murderers"

"The truth can be surprising but it can also be eye opening" stated Ms. Morrell.

"You know sometimes it seems like you speak in riddles"

"Parfois, je parle français"

Sometimes I speak French

"Je parle un peu français"

I speak a little French

Ms. Morrell asked, "Est-ce que tu adores Theo?"

Is it that you love Theo?/ Do you love Theo?

You responded, "Je ne sais pas"

I don't know

Ms. Morrell switched back to speaking English, "I think that is something you need to figure out"

"And here I thought were discussing my family. Don't say blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb"

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