1) JRM, Part - 1

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March 4 2020,
Time - 6:35am.

Jack stumbled as he walked, and almost dropped the 2 coffee cups he was holding. He stopped to check whether he dropped any coffee. When he had confirmed that none of the coffee was spilled, he sighed in relief. He looked at his watch, 6:40am.

"I'm late. Oh god, Roger is going to kill me." He exclaimed in panic.

He hurried and got to a building with a signboard labelled, "RUFUS FINN BOOKSTORE 📚". He entered to find a man packing his bag.

"Hi Roger. Sorry, I'm late. Here's a coffee to make it up to you." Jack said handing Roger the coffee.

"It's okay, Jack." Roger yawned taking the coffee. "Thanks for the coffee. So how's Roxy? I heard you went over to the Doctor's yesterday."

"Common cold. She took some medicine." Jack replied sitting down on his desk. "She will be fine today for the day at the institute."

"That's a relief. Okay then I'll be leaving." Roger said walking over to the door. "I'll see you at dinner and Robert is in the back. Take care Jack."

"Bye, Roger. See you at dinner." Jack said.

Roger left the bookstore. Jack walked around the store and sat back down at his desk.

"Hey Robert." Jack called out.

A man in his late 40s entered.

"Yes sir?" He asked.

"Did you have your breakfast, buddy?" Jack asked.

"Not yet, sir." Robert replied.

"So I'll buy you something." Jack said.
"And don't worry I'll also buy something for myself."

Robert got to work and Jack ordered breakfast for them. While waiting for the breakfast, he got a message from Roxy.

Roxy : Leaving for work.

Jack smiled and replied.

Jack : Take care 👍.
Roxy : Okay, 😘. You too.

Jack Rufus and Roxy Finn Kyle had been married for 3 years with their 3rd wedding anniversary which was a week ago. Roger Finn Kyle was Roxy's older brother and had been best friends ever since they were 10.

Jack is now a 32 year old man with blue eyes similar to Roxy's. He wears blue and brown glasses and has messy hair. He is pretty athletic.

Little that many people know that Jack is a secret agent of a group of investigators called the Secret Investigators Association or S.I.A where he was as Agent R.E.D (Really Excellent Detective). Roger was the guy in the chair and Roxy sometimes helped out with his cases.

Just then Jack's thought was interrupted by a knock at the door. Jack went to check and found the food delivery person there. Jack paid for the food and took it in.

"Finally, Robert breakfast is here." Jack called out as he went back to his table.

Time - 7:45am.

News : Welcome to the NG daily, the Nicro Gardens news. The most recent news right now, is that some people have reported a body in the 5th market cross. The body seems horribly mutilated and the police are on the case and the S.I.A have been notified of the case but they still have to assign an investigator to assist with the case. The details are not yet clear as of now.

Jack's personal records :
Jack Rufus, 32 years old. Working as Agent R.E.D for the past 5 years.
Roger Finn Kyle, 32 years old. Helping as the guy in the chair for the past 3 years.
Roxy Finn Kyle, 31 years old. Helping as an advisor for thr past 4 years.
Robert Gill, 47 years old. Does not know.

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