Ch 5

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A/N: throughout the whole chapter there will be very light mentions of alcohol, no absurd alcohol abuse, just getting drunk and stuff. There will also be sexual abuse happening and being mentioned, so ill put trigger warnings when those come up.  also im gonna start trying to find songs that kind of go with the chapter, and putting the lyrics at the beginning and end. Might not completely go with the chapter but ill try my best :)

Unbreak the broken. 
Unsay these spoken words. 
Find hope in the hopeless.

George had suddenly jumped awake. He was in the car. what was he doing there? Clay chuckled, and answered Georges face. 

Clay: "Good morning cutie, you fell asleep in the car, silly. We're going to that surprise place, remember?"

George blushed at the nickname, then nodded sleepily and sighed. God, we've been driving for forever

He looked back, and saw Nick passed out too, and Darryl reading his book. Where was Clay even taking us, what the fuck?! 

George drifted off to sleep again, not that bothered about where the hell Clay was taking them. An hour later, he awoke to Clay violently shaking him. He jumped.

George: "AHH! What?!"

Clay chuckled, "Get up! We're here dumbass!"

George reluctantly got up, climbed out of the car, and shut the car door. He looked around, realized where they were, and got chills. They were at e theme park. His stomach dropped, and he looked up at Clay, faking a smile. The thing was, George was deadly terrified of heights, and he knew the others would drag him on one. 

They walked in, paid, and looked around.

Clay: "Look! We should go on that one!"

Clay pointed to the tallest ride in the theme park. Georges eyes visibly widened, and Clay took notice. "C'mon George, it'll be fun!"

George obviously had to go, or else he would look like a baby. He smiled weakly, and got into a cart with Clay, Nick and Darryl in the cart in front of them. 

The ride started, and subconsciously George flung himself onto Clay, holding on to dear life. Clay started wheezing, and hugged George back. The ride JUST started, and George was already screaming. George closed his eyes, and held onto Clay like his life depended on it. 

Clay: "George! Your gonna live! Just live a little!" Clay continued wheezing, and screaming at the top of his lungs out of excitement. George was still terrified, but realized he was gripped onto Clay. His face turned red and he let go of Clay, instead gripping to the bar that kept them in the cart. 

Nick and Darryl looked back and smiled. It was obvious to both of them that they liked each other

Clay smiled at George, enjoying how easily George gets flustered. It was a hug and George went full tomato mode. Clay didn't think much of it, that's just how George was. He wasn't a very affectionate person with friends. 

The ride stopped, George eyes wide. He looked over at Clay.

George: "I am NEVER going on one of those EVER again."

Clay wheezed. "Okk, sorry for dragging you on that. You looked petrified! Wanna go get some food?"

The other three boys nodded, and they went to find a hotdog stand. They got hotdogs, and went to sit on a picnic table. It was getting late, so the sun was setting, creating a beautiful sunset. George is colorblind, but could still tell it was beautiful. They finished eating.

that month in florida - dreamnotfound/greamWhere stories live. Discover now