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One love, two mouths
One love, one house
No shirts, no blouse
Just us, you find out


"Georgie, get up, lazy-ass."

"You're one to be talking, you're still in bed too, LaZy-AsS"

Clay chuckled, and got on top of George, planting kisses all over his face.

"O-Ok, I-I'll get upp weirdo-o-" George was laughing so hard.

Clay laughed, planted one more kiss on Georges head, and got up to get dressed.


Clay and George had been living with each other for two months now. George was going to therapy, and all was turning out good. He was actually happy, and hasn't seen Mary ever since. 

They were happier then ever. The love was strong, and nothing would ever break them apart.


Clay and George got dressed, and headed downstairs. It had been quiet since Nick and Darryl left a month ago, but they've gotten used to it. The DT still call multiple times a day. Even though it isn't the same as them actually being there, they'd will come visit again soon.


Georgie and Clay often visit the flower field, in memory. Of what? Not sure. They just like to. Sometimes George brings the glasses, sometimes he doesn't. They often just lay in the grass, and watch the clouds pass, then watch the sunset, and eventually watch the stars. Its relaxing, and it makes them happy. Wherever they are, they're happy, as long as its with the other.


George and Clay ate breakfast, and hopped into Clays car, heading to the flower field. They woke up extra early just to see the sunrise.

They arrived, and hopped out of the car, both beaming with excitement. They ran to the middle of the field, and sat down, George in Clays lap.

George put his glasses on so he could properly see the colors of the sunset, and leaned back into Clay, enjoying the beauty.

After a while, George had grown bored. He turned around and grabbed Clays face, pressing their foreheads against each other. Clay was surprised at the sudden movement, but smiled at George.

Their lips met, softly rubbing together. Clays hands went to Georges waist, Georges arms around Clays neck. Clay suddenly put his hand on Georges inner thigh, slightly squeezing. This earned a soft moan from George, which allowed Clay to slip his tongue in. He explored every inch of Georges mouth. George situated himself to where he was sitting on Clays lap, his legs were around Clays waist, straddling Clay.

They were passionately kissing until George started laughing for no reason. The laughter grew absurd, and he was dying. This made Clay laugh too, which kept George laughing, and they were rolling on the floor, running out of air. Eventually, they calmed down, and George laid his head in Clays lap. 

"Love you, Clay."

"Love you more, cutie."

George smiled up at Clay, who smiled back. It was morning, but they were tired from waking up so early. They fell asleep in the soft, green, grass, in each others arms.

The goosebumps start to race
The minute that my left hand meets your waist
And then I watch your face
Put my finger on your tongue 'cause you love to taste yeah


A/N: yeahhh i actually finished, this has been fun to write, please leave constructive criticism :) I hope you enjoyed, stay tuned for next book (will be more angsty but I WILL NOT make clay or George die in the end I promise, those books make me cry so hard and I don't wanna cry that much making my own book HAHA) Also, ik u may be going through something hard rn, and i want u to know, ur not alone. It may not feel like it, but u r loved. I love you and care abt u, and I can always talk mrpotatohead27 on insta. Bye, stay safe! <3

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