Ch 10

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You know I wanna be your rock, my love
You know I wanna be your light
In darkness, how you find me just in time
To tell me what I needed to hear


Clay handed the glasses to George. "Don't put them on yet, c'mere."

Clay took Georges hand and pulled him to the middle of the field, and sat down in the grass, George doing the same. 

"Now close your eyes."

George did as told, and felt the glasses be set on his face. 

"Open, cutie."

George slowly opened his eyes, and was overwhelmed with colors he's never even seen before.

"Oh my God, Clay! This is crazy, I-I've never seen these c-colors before!"

George had tears streaming down his face, he was overjoyed.

Clay pulled him into a hug. He then cupped Georges face, making the brunette look up at him.

"Clay, your eyes..! They're.. green?"

"Yah baby, green!"

George giggled. "They're actually green."

Clay grabbed Georges shirt, and pulled him into a long, soft kiss. Their lips ever-so-slightly brushing against the other's. It was very slow and long, but overly passionate. Clay grabbed onto George's waist, making their bodies as close as they possible could be. George slightly opened his mouth, allowing Clay to slip his tongue in. They felt their tongues brush against the other's, and butterflies swarmed in their stomachs. Clay pulled away, resting his chin on Georges head, playing with his hair, with his arms around his waist, Georges head was tilted to the side, his eyes closed, enjoying the moment with Clay.

Clay left and went to the car, opened the door, and turned on the radio. He left the door open, so they could hear the music from outside. He put his hands on Georges waist, whilst George's hands were resting on Clay's arms. 

"I dunno how to dance, Clay-"

Clay giggled and started dancing, swaying to the beat of the music.

'Cause you're so lovely, you're so lovely
I can't help but fall for you, love
When you love me, it's so lovely loving you'

They hummed along to the song. George suddenly tripped on a log, and they went tumbling down, laughing. They laid down in the grass, Georges head resting on Clays stomach. 

"Hey, Clay?"

"Yeah Georgie?"

"I love you, a lot."

"I love you a lot too, cutie. I dunno what I would do without you."

George giggled, and entangled his hands in Clays.

George felt safe, and happy.


So slowly a sunlit dream pulls me out of sleep
Feel the morning through the blinds
I turn my head to meet your sunkissed face
In this quite place, I can give you all my time

A/N: yess I finishedddddd I will start writing an epilogue right after I publish this, and then will start on the new fanfic, bc i have a rlly good idea in my head already, but I wont publish that book until I have written a few chapters, so when it first comes out, yall have more than a chapter to read. As always, I love you, and can always talk! Dm me mrpotatohead27 on insta, you can dm me about wattpad stuff, if you need to talk, or anything really! Please disclose youre from wattpad tho, so ik ur not just a random person. Bye!

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