Ch 9

847 24 31

You will be my world
My world, my world, my world
You will be my girl


I dunno what to do anymore. I feel so worthless, like what happened is my fault. I see Mary Anne approaching me at the bar again. Am I re-living a memory?  She stars talking to me, and forces me to kiss her, just like that night. She drags me to the alleyway, and her friend Jane approaches, with a look on her face that tells me she's more sober than Mary, and knows what she's doing is wrong, but she does it anyways. She pulls my arms above my head and..


I realize I was dreaming, and I was still in bed with Clay. He was shaking me awake, looking concerned.

I realized I was crying. He pulled me in to his arms, and whispered reassuring words into my ear.

"Its gonna be ok Georgie. I've got you, and I wont ever let go. I love you so much. What happened?"

"I-I had a d-dream.. well more n-nightmare about M-Mary a-and that n-night. W-What do I-I do? Nothings getting b-better, and I j-just feel so w-worthless-"

"George, you aren't worthless, and that wasn't your fault. M-Maybe therapy would help."

"I cant get therapy until I go home."

"This is gonna sound crazy, like really crazy and I'm not expecting you to agree but.. Maybe you could stay here for a few more months and. eventually live here? I know you wouldn't want to but-"

George threw his arms around Clay, and kissed him softly. After a while he pulled away, and pressed their foreheads together.

"I'd love to Clay."

Clay looked ecstatic at Georges response. Not what he was expecting, but what he hoped.

Clay pulled him back in for another kiss, their lips meeting. Their head moving along with the other's, in a rhythm of pure bliss. Tounges being slipped in, there were in a different universe in each others arms. They kept going until..

"Oh! Hey.. S-Sorry, I'll go now."

Nick. Fucking Nick. That probably looked terrible, they were making out, and only in their underwear. 

"Nick! Its not what it looks like, we didn't do that-"

"Oh ok. I was truly concerned, I mean what the fuck happened, and why are you guys almost na- ..nevermind. Anyways, how's it going?"


They both replied quickly, clearly embarrassed they just got walked in on because someone didn't know how to knock on the door. 

"Y'all need to learn how to lock the door, my God. Anyways, wanna go somewhere? Like maybe the mall? You don't need to come if you don't want to of course." He glanced sympathetically at George. Nothing has went right any of the times they went out, and he felt genuinely bad.

George scoffed. "And you need to learn how to knock, thanks. We'll be downstairs soon, and I'm actually up for going somewhere. Just get out and let us get dressed."

Nick nodded and left giggling. He went downstairs and was met with Darryl scrolling through twitter.


"Hey Darryl."

"Um, so are things ok? They've been crying a lot lately, and George went through a lot. What was that last night? You came downstairs crying too, is everything good?"

"Yah, things are.. well not the best, but Clay and I is doing all he is to help George. George was dealing with a lot of thoughts yesterday and chose to deal with it in not the best way, and that broke Clay into pieces, as well as me."

that month in florida - dreamnotfound/greamWhere stories live. Discover now