Ch 7

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I never walk about after dark
It's my point of view
'Cause someone could break your neck
Coming up behind you


Clay and George woke up to someone banging on the bedroom door, rather aggressively.

"Get your asses up, we're going somewhere!"

Nick. Of course Nick needed to interrupt their sleep.

"mph.. Nick! Ugh, we'll be out soon.."

George flopped his head back onto Clay, drifting back off into sleep.

"George. C'mon. We need to get up."

George reluctantly got up, and sleepily smiled at Clay. The blonde looked exhausted, his hair sprawled over his face, his beautiful eyes droopy. Clay smiled back, pressing a kiss to Georges temple. 

Clay got up, grabbed some clothes, and got changed, George doing the same. They went downstairs. 

Nick looked at them rather suspicious, with a smug grin on his face.

Oh god. What happened.

"Looks like you too had fun last night."

Clay looked at Nick, eyes wide. What was he talking about? They cuddled, thats it.

"I was just joking you know. Your face was priceless though, makes me wonder-"

Clay cut him off rather quickly. "Shut up, Nick. Anyways, where are we going?"

"I have no idea, I just woke you up because I felt like it."

That earned Nick a hard eye roll from Clay and George. 

"Im just kidding, Darryl and I were thinking about going to eat somewhere and stopping at the park?"

Clay and George agreed. They ate their cereal, and got ready to go. Once they were ready and had their shoes on, they walked out.

They squeezed into Clays car, George in the back this time, since Nick shoved hi, back there and claimed shotgun.

They drove until they approached McDonalds. Sure, it wasn't fancy and it was quite basic, but those nuggs are to die for. 

They walked in, and stood in line waiting for their food. 

Oh my God.

"Clay," George whispered, desperately

Clay looked down at him.

"C-Clay, M-Mary Anne is h-here."

His voice shaky and quiet out of fear. What if she took him off somewhere again?

"George, its ok. Just don't look at her, and if she attempts to talk to you I'll take care of it."

Clay wrapped his arms around George. George felt so safe in the blonde's arms. He felt like everything would be ok.

They ordered food, and went to sit down. Coincidentally Mary Anne and her friend Jane had the table right next to them. George was scared as fuck, but he took Clay's word for it. He would always be safe when Clay's here.

"Hi! Are you that cutie from the bar that I talked to?"

They all looked up at Mary, with her friend Jane beside her, smirking. Unlike Mary, Jane had been somewhat sober that night. She remembered more than Mary.

Nick and Darryl looked at Clays furious face in confusion. Who was this, why was Clay about to explode, and why did George look terrified?

"Fuck off. George doesn't want to talk to you."

that month in florida - dreamnotfound/greamWhere stories live. Discover now