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A/N: ik its annoying when people say shit like this but tysm for almost 50 reads, ik it might not sound like a big number to anyone else but the fact that almost 50 people read my stupid little fanfic is kinda crazy, so ty. Also, I'm running out of ideas :') prob gonna end this fic soon, but don't worry I'm gonna like have an actual ending, not just quit the book :)

I don't wanna be your friend,
I wanna kiss your lips.
wanna kiss you until I lose my breath.

Clay wakes up with George still in his arms, and smiles. He looks down at the shorter boy, peacefully sleeping. Clay reaches his hand to Georges face, and cups his cheek, carefully caressing it. It felt as though George was so fragile, so frail, he didn't want to break him. Clay then leaned forward, and gave George a kiss on his temple. He had always had feelings for George, but they were growing at a rapid rate. Of course he wouldn't ever tell him, because he would get rejected, and he was terrified it would ruin their friendship.

George is straight. Right?

George woke up to the feeling of someone gently stroking his cheek, and he smiled. He knew it was Clay. He opened his eyes to the blonde staring at him, smiling softly while still rubbing his cheek, their legs still intertwined from cuddling last night. George looked into Clay's piss-colored eyes, knowing that if he could see green they would be beautiful. His silky blonde hair, messy as they had just woken up, but cute nonetheless.

He had freckles scattered across his nose and cheeks, with random ones on his chin and forehead. George had fallen head-over-heels for Clay. 

George snuggled back into Clay's chest, and fell back asleep. 

Clay: "George no! Oh my God, you're always sleeping."

Clay smirked, kissed Georges head, and walked downstairs. He was greeted by Darryl making eggs and Nick clearly hungover. 

Darryl: "Hi! How's George, is he ok? He seemed terrified last night. What happened?"

Clay: "I'm not sure if he wants everyone to know what happened. Maybe try asking him. He seems better now though!"

Darryl smiled at the last bit, happy that George was doing better.


Clay was very alarmed at the noise coming from the couch, but looked over and saw Nick lying there. He got pretty drunk last night, so he was probably just groaning from his head hurting.

Clay: "Should've thought about that before you drank that much last night, Nick." Clay chucked, and headed upstairs to grab some aspirin. He peeked into his room, seeing George still peacefully asleep. He then brought the aspirin downstairs to Nick, along with a glass of water. Nick thanked him, and Clay went upstairs to change. 

Clay saw that George was still sleeping, so he grabbed basketball shorts and a t-shirt and changed into them. He took off his shirt and looked over at George, who was staring at him. 

Clay wheezed "What the fuck George, am I too hot for you?"

George blushed, smiled, and walked up to Clay. "Maybe." Clay wasn't expecting him to walk over, he expected George to say no, blush, and hide his face in the covers. But here he was, standing there while George was approaching him. George looked up at Clay, and wrapped his arms around the taller boys neck. Clay stood there for a few seconds before hugging back. 

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