More detention and conversations, part 1

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Chapter 8 : More detention and conversations

Part 1

Note: This chapter starts before the end of the previous chapter. Makes sense? This chapter starts before Jade gets on the bike with Austin and then continues after that.


“Kate!” someone called.

I turned to see Jade running towards me. She seems to be in a better mood now.

“Hey, what’s up?” I said

“I coming with you” She said, linking her arm with mine.

“Wait! Jade, I am going to the detention, remember?” I said rolling my eyes.

“I know that!” she said “I do too.” She added feebly

“What? Again?” I asked. She hates going to detention. She is currently going exactly there and she was not at all in a bad mood. Surprising. “What did you do now?” I asked.

“Don’t say it like that! You make it sound like I am a criminal or something.” She said

I rolled my eyes. “Tell me, what for?”

She gave me a you –know – it look.

Punching Mason! Right.

“You know I’m proud of you.” I said

She just smiled. We made our way to the detention. We entered the class room and took the seats third from the front. Jade wasn’t looking towards me. I nudged her to get her attention.

“So, did you enjoy your wood class” I indirectly teased her about Austin.

“Why are you smirking?” she said narrowing her eyelids at me.

“Did you enjoy your wood class with, you know, Austin?” I raised my eyebrow, nudging her with my elbow.

“You are impossible” she said with a sigh.

“It means ‘I am possible’” I laughed

“You and your lame joke!” she said

We both laughed.

After a few minutes, Ashton entered, probably, texting on his phone. I ignored him and asked Jade for my earphones. When she didn’t reply then I looked at her. She was staring in the blank.

God remind me why I am friends with her!

I smiled at her, shaking my head.

“Hey Pussy! We have to talk about our Science assignment.”

“Hi idiot! Yes we do” said I imitating his tone.

He rolled his eyes “ Let’s sit there” He said, pointing at the seat in the corner.

“Jade, I am goin-“

God, she still has that silly grin on her  face..... must be thinking of Austin.

I walked over to Ashton and sat on the chair next to him.

“You still have to do the finishing. Please finish it today and bring it tomorrow.” He said, still texting someone on his phone.

“Excuse me?!” I said, snatching his from his hands.

“What? Give me my phone back!” he said.

“I’m not going to do the finishing, you are.” I said giving his phone back.

  “Hell no!” he said

“Yes” I said

“No” he said

“Yes” I said

“Shut up”

“You first”

“How about stone, paper, scissors?” he asked

“Fine” I said

“Stone...paper...scissors!” I won!

“Boo- yah! You have to do it.”

“Fine, fine...... I’ll do it, whiner.” He said emphasising on the word ‘whiner’.

“You two, stop talking!” The teacher glared at the two of us, adjusting his glasses.

“Stupid baldhead” We both mumbled together. We glanced at each other and smiled. This happens quite a lot. I kind of feel bad for Ashton, he would do all the finishing himself. I mean, it’s my project too.

“ know, I can help you with the umm... finishing” I said

He looked over and raised his eyebrows in surprise. Then a stupid grin took over.

“Aww... someone’s becoming a softie” he said pinching my cheeks.

I smacked his head. I rolled my eyes and said “Forget it.”

“Detention’s over!” the baldhead teacher yelled.

“Finally!” Ashton and I said in unison.


“Well, see you around, Kitty” he said

“You too .... pig” said I

He knows how to annoy me!



Short, I know but it is part 1 of the chapter. Been really busy, sorry.


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