Chapter 4

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"Where are the girls?" I asked Tiffany who's lazily sitting on the couch. She lazily look at me, breaking her eyes staring contest with the television as she gave me that annoying smirk again.

"Why? Disappointed your beloved Jeshka's not home?"

"Fuck you Tiffany, what did I ever do to you?!" I said almost snapping. This girl is just plain annoying! She's just not the right person to know, she's just.. I've never thought this american girl can ever do this to me. This is not something to joke around about, it's not funny! Not even the slightest. "You think this is funny? You think 

"Chill Taetae, I'm kidding. Fine, I'm sorry." 

"No, you're not!"

"I really am sorry! Fine, I'm not gonna do it again." 

"You're always saying that! You're pissing me off Miyoung! You this this is funny?! You think my feelings is just a joke?! What?! In case you're not aware Tiffany, I'm gonna let you know.. I don't find it funny, at all."


She just stares at me with those eyes I couldn't read. She just continued to stare at me and of course, I did nothing but just stare back at her. My eyebrows furrowed together while my eyes are red in anger. I just don't know how to handle this anymore. I'm sure if I let this always slide like I always do for the past few weeks, this is gonna get worse. Worse, to the point of her finding out about it. She'll think of me differently. She'd be disgusted, I'm sure. Her eyes travel from my face to my clenched hands. Still expressionless. I was so angry I didn't notice my fingers balling into fists, ready to punch a certain American mushroom in the face.

She let out a small smirk at me and it ticked me off. I almost went and tackle Tiffany on the couch and swing my fists to her smiling eyes to give her a heavy black bruises on that eyes to prevent her eyes from even smiling again, just to let her know how much I didn't find her jokes to be funny, at all. But of course, I didn't do that. Actually, it's more like I didn't get to do it because God is just too nice to Tiffany. Yuri walk inside the dorm and throw her bag on the nearest chair by the door and walking towards us. Yuri is not that slow as people thinks she is, and must've felt the tension in the atmosphere me and Tiffany made just now. Looking back and forth from me and Tiffany, she slumps down on the bean bag near the coffee table.

"What's wrong? Are you guys fighting again?" She asked as if it wasn't really new at all. Well, it is true though.

 Me and Tiffany is one of the pairs in SoShi to always argue and fight. We always have the opposing ideas and would always end up bickering. We're so different when the cameras are away from us. We have this cat and dog relationship that fans, locksmiths didn't know about. We are so different from the lovey dovey TaeNy they always see, all of those videos and photos on the internet, they're for fans service. SM is clever enough to make sure to give the fans what they want and that is of course, the Girls' Generation so called 'perfect' couple, TaeNy. But I'm not saying me and Tiffany aren't best friends, sisters and I'm not saying that everything was just for a show too, I'm very fond of Tiffany to be honest, she's one of those members I could come to and release my unsaid excess feelings that are flowing out. I could just come to her and say nothing at all but she'll still understand nonetheless. I love her to death, just like the other members. I love them all equally, it just so happens that me and Tiffany have this dominant attitude when it comes to brain storming, ideas and things we should do. She's more of being safe and careful, and me although I'm the leader, I'm more of wanting to get loose and let things happen on it's own. I'd rather go with the flow to what God had planned for my life. But I guess Tiffany just found my situation very interesting because she never thought I'd swing that way and worse, to fall in love with my co-member, even so, I never really imagined she could do this to me. She's practically betraying me in my face for me to see. As if rubbing salt to my wound. And I couldn't do anything but just watch her practically announce my secret to the world.

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