Chapter 16

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I thought about that from now on, I'd combine both Jessica's and Taeyeon's POVs. So there wouldn't be an individual POV anymore. It would be more like uhm... How I (Author's) view it.. I don't know. Whatever, you got what I'm saying. Anyways, here goes nothing.


I want to fix this. I know we can fix this. Jessica feels the same way right? It's still possible. Taeyeon thought since the encounter of the two of them last time where Taeyeon walked off on Jessica. She has been stressing and stressing every hour, every minute that passes without talking to Jessica. But Jessica would understand her, right? She was hurt with her choices of words last time so she just had to leave that scene to avoid from getting herself hurt more. But since that night, Jessica become distant again. Until today and it has been a week. Not even giving Taeyeon a single glance she could hold on to and tell herself, there's still hope. 

Taeyeon doesn't want to think it'd end just like that. She doesn't even know what went wrong. Even a single bit of an idea, she can't get any. None. She didn't do anything wrong, that's for sure. Did Jessica realized that what she felt for her was ridiculous? Did Jessica realized that she never really felt the same way and that she was just confused? Was she just leading her on just to suddenly leave her and fall into something that would never exist? I don't want to assume things. I don't want to think differently of you Jessica, I don't want to think bad of you. But what happened? Atleast tell me.. Tell me so I could finally accept the truth and move on too just like you. Taeyeon just take a lungful of breath and exhale as she keep herself from breaking down. There's no point of crying, Jessica would just pity her and she doesn't want that.

Taeyeon just kept on scrolling down of her instagram, liking and liking random pictures of those sexy models she's following even though she wasn't even looking at them. Her mind was too distracted with a certain girl named Jung Jessica. She sighed loudly as Tiffany just look at her. Tiffany has been noticing the drifting between Jessica and Taeyeon. They're only talking or looking at each other when they're in public, when there's cameras but acting like total strangers when there's just them. Tiffany didn't know what happened to her two favorite girls. She was curious but at the same time, she doesn't want to ask. Knowing Taeyeon, she knows that whatever that's happening to them haven't fully digested on Taeyeon. But to Jessica, it's just as if there's nothing wrong at all and this worries her more.

Was it that dookoong that Jessica lost last week? No, that's too ridiculous. Then what is it? Oh my God. Did Taeyeon already have confessed to Jessica but Jessica rejected her? Most probably. But what so ever, knowing Jessica also, she's the type to make friends even to those people she rejects. Even to Taecyeon oppa who cheated on her and they're the closest bffs right now. So what happened?

"Taeng, what's wrong?" Tiffany finally decided to break her silence about the two. She can't just watch knowing her two best girlfriends aren't on good terms. Because of the concentration Taeyeon was putting on her instagram and thoughts that she didn't even noticed or heard Tiffany. Tiffany had to reach and hold onto Taeyeon's busy hands to snap her back to reality and it did. Startling her a little as she almost jumped up from her seat and look at Tiffany.

"What?" Taeyeon asked.

"You're... Are you sure you're okay?" Tiffany then said with her worried eyebrows furrowing. Taeyeon just give her a small smirk and slight chuckle as she look back to her phone and start scrolling again.

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