Chapter 14 *J*

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"This and that?" I asked again in an oh so innocent manner, pointing to my lips and to hers also. She give me a slow nod as I pause for a second.

"Ah! You mean this!" I said as I quickly lean forward and crash her lips to mine. It's just peck, I'm afraid we'll make sound and our managers might hear it and just casually pull away and look at her with a small smile and an innocent eyes as if what I just did wasn't a big deal at all. I told you, I would persuade her, and yes, I'm pretty much straightforward. I hate beating around the bush.

She have her eyes widened as she look at me with them, her mouth slightly agape from the sudden action and her body is obviously frozen. Obviously shocked to what I did. No regrets though.

"What?" I again act and tilt my head to the side.

"... You.." She manage to utter.

"Me? I'm gorgeous. I know that silly." And before Taeyeon could manage to open her mouth to speak again, our manager beat her.

"We're here girls. Rest well and enjoy your free time. Call us when you guys need something okay?" Our manager who was driving said as he park the van to the parking lot of the complex. Taeyeon's eyes still wide and mouth still open. That's not really something worth to be so shocked about. I playfully poke her cheeks so she's snap out of it and luckily she did.

"Finally, welcome back to earth Kim Taeyeon. We're here, let's go." I said picking up my bag and opening the door as she also pick her things up and walk out of the door. Although her eyes are not big anymore, shock is still visible on her face.

"We'd get going now, Oppa, Unnie. Take care on your way back." I politely bid goodbye to our managers, also in behalf of Taeyeon who's still frozen obviously as we make our way to the entrance of the building and to the elevator. I noticed she's still zoning out as soon as we enter the elevator that made ma lightly chuckle at her. Wow, she can be much more cuter than she was?

"Are you okay?" I said with a slight chuckle. She turn her head to me and then shake them to say no as I just nod at her. 

"You're over reacting. I could do more to you, and if you'd be like that just because of a simple peck, I'm afraid I won't be able to do more to you without you convulsing."


"You want me to kiss you again?"


"Taeyeon, you're a woman full of questions but you're just so cute! You should be thankful you're cute or I'd seriously get really pissed with you right now."

"Sica." She said that made me turn my head to her and almost instantly, our lips are connected again as she also give me a peck on the lips. I couldn't help but get caught of guard and froze a little due to the suddenness and widen my eyes at her. Wait.

"That's my revenge." She just said and give me a small smirk. I just also replied with a smirk and turn my head back on the front as the elevator dinged.

"Then I guess, you should get your revenge also to what I did last night." I counterback and give her a teasing look.

"What last night? You guys were together last night?" We jumped in startle as we suddenly heard a certain voice from the back, coming from the american mushroom named Tiffany who's with Sooyoung, holding some bags of chips as I assume came from the granny next door who hates it when her teenage nephew would bring junk foods so she'd give it to us instead while her nephews are away and she'd reason out to her nephew that she ate all of it while he's away due to boredom, which was a pretty stupid and obvious alibi but either way, the idiot nephew would believe it anyway.

"Huh?" Taeyeon just said.

"You were the one who made Jessica drank that whole bottle last night?" Sooyoung said talking to Taeyeon.

"I didn't made her do it." Taeyeon reflexly defended herself as I just roll my eyes at the stupidity of the scene.

"You drank with my Jessie last night?" Tiffany then joined the counter attacks to Taeyeon.

"I drank it all myself." I said so they'd shut up. They're the megaphone couple and they can be so loud when together.

"But you said you and Taeyeon were together last night." Tiffany said pointing at the both of us.

"I didn't say we were together last night. I just... did something. You know that pea plushie she have since we we're trainees?? I lost one of the ball." I said hoping they'd buy that. No, I didn't lost the ball in that pea plushie, so I'm just hoping Tiffany, being roommate with Taeyeon, didn't notice the plushie. Taeyeon immediately turn her head to look at me with fire in her eyes at the mention of her precious dookoong that just made me want to roll my eyes but refuse myself to.

"That explains why it was under your bed this morning." Sooyoung said while nodding. Wait, it was under my what? it was really missing?

"I was looking for those!" Taeyeon cried out.

"I already put it where it belonged Taeyeon. Don't worry, let's get inside." Sooyoung said patting Taeyeon's back as she push us both to get inside the dorm. How in the hell did that smiling ball went under my bed? Is Toy Story a real life based movie? Maybe? Oh my God. That just means I'd be haunted down by my beheaded Kens! 

I hated Ken as a child. Barbies don't need a Ken when she could get more of Barbies. I mean, if Barbies are looking for a dick, Ken also don't have that. It's just pointless. In short, Kens are lesbos.

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