I Leaf

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"You alone in the house?" My bestest friend Josh asked me on the phone.

"Yeah, could you come over? Mom's sleeping already and I'm so alone" I asked him, even though I knew he would offer to stay here with me.

"absolutely, just let me finish the last few minutes of walking dead" him and his obsession with these kinds of series is sometimes unbearable. But I love him still.

"fine, while you are on your way could you bring in some cookies and cream ice cream?" I asked him. "sure Jace"

Now about my name, my parents named me Jace because they wanted something unique for a girl. So, they named me after a boy's name. They definitely got the Unique part. I was scanning the channels on tv and saw the extra talking about Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez.

I used to dislike the fact that they are together, because A, it is really awkward for a girl to be older than the guy, B because I think Justin should be with me. yup. As a belieber, I can't help but think about Justin as my boyfriend. Haha! So anyway, I got used to it now. Not a fan of Jelena but also not a hater. I watch as Mario Lopez announces that Jelena was seen in LA together, strolling on Canoga Park. My eyes widened, what the fuck? I live just a few minutes away and I didn't even get to see them? Such a waste.

My thoughts got interrupted by the vibration of my phone. I quickly answered it.

"yeah?" I said awkwardly, realizing I didn't even bother on checking who it was.

"hey babe!" oh my gosh. The second hottest guy was on the other line ( Justin being the first )

"Hey Troy" I answered back.

"how's my girl?" he asked so softly.

"I'm alright, are you done on your football practice?" I asked him.

"yeah, I would want to come over but my parents insisted on me fetching my aunt on the airport. So.. See you tomorrow?" we haven't spend a single hour with him today,

I sigh as I replied "Okay babe, drive carefully for me, Kay?" "don't be sad baby, I miss you as much as you miss me. Tomorrow night, I'm taking you out, I promise" I smiled at how sweet he was.

"alright babe, love you" "love you too baby"

A slam on the door made me jolt.

"hey jace"

"the heck Josh! You scared me!" I glared at him.

"sorry... Here's your ice cream" Josh set the ice cream cup on the table and pulled me in for a short hug. I smiled at him thinking how we've been through everything.

"so, what were you watching?" he asked.

"Take a guess"

"don't tell me it's bieber again?"

"fine, I won't tell you" he laughed.

"oh Jace.."

"hey, I heard he was going to have a concert here tomorrow night!"

"I know! And I can't afford it, so don't remind me"

"isn't he giving out tickets? Like when you camp out outside?"

"yeah, but Troy wanted to take me out tomorrow night and I can't go on a rain check because we barely see each other"

"oh, so I guess I would be sleeping early tomorrow night then"

"yes Josh, unless you have a date with someone else"

"you know im not that kind of guy"

"weird... For a guy"

"I know" we played UNO and Scrabble until we decided it a night. He left at past 11, so I crawl to my bed and drifted to sleep.

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