IV - One Less Lonely Girl

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I walked down the hall with Justin, he saw a Segway and he knew he couldn't resist. He looked at me with confusion in his face. "Aren't you getting the other one?" okay seriously, I am not suicidal! I don't even know how to operate those! I looked down as I replied. "I don't know how to drive that." He stepped out of his Segway and grabbed my arms, he settled me in front of his Segway,

"You can ride with me instead!" He is a really playful guy! He settled behind me, and as we started to move, I gasped for air, feeling nervous. My hands were holding really hard on the Segway.

Oh my gosh. If only Justin was my friend, I would have bitten him for making me do something like this. I'm not good at driving and any other activities like that. we 'parked' the Segway beside the door that said "shawty mane". Haha! I can't believe he still uses that.

"Really Justin? shawty mane? Really?" I laughed and he turned to look at me, defending his 'alias'. "So people wouldn't know where I am." I laughed harder! Oh my gosh. "and you think Shawty Mane would do it for you? I think you forgot 'speaking in tongues' already" he looked around "ehhh, Fine, I just want to put it there" " i know justin" haha!

I had met the bieber crew tonight, including Selena, but she had to go because she had to rest for her rehearsals tomorrow, but I did have a pic on every single bieber crew I met. i can't believe how I'm fan-girling right now! I went to see Justin who was already performing on stage, I was beside scrappy. Thoughts began to linger on my mind. Justin's movie Never say Never started playing on my mind. I can't believe I'm on this situation right now. I guess Troy leaving me was somehow a miracle in disguise. I started to cry, but for a different reason now. I can't believe this is real. Me, on the side stage with scrappy, watching just perform, when I really just wanted a concert ticket. He looks so hot from any angle I swear!

One Less Lonely Girl started playing. he glided across the stage, he looked so flawless, so perfect for me, tons of girls screaming, wanting to be the one he will sing to.

I was searching the crowd to see if Allison has started the great voyage to look for a girl. Then I heard someone calling me, I looked behind, and saw Allison, oh my, no way. If this is what I think it is please slap me right here, right now!!! I walk towards her and she leans in to whisper something in my ear.

"Justin wants you to come up on stage! He said he wants you to be his girl tonight." before her words could sink-in to me, I felt tears filling my eyes, this is better than what I've expected. "you ready?" I answered with a nod, at least I think I did. She helped me find my way through the stage and then Justin's dancers took my hand and escorted me on a seat, the seat where half of the teenage girl population would die just to sit on it.

He continued singing, I was almost blinded by the spotlights, seriously, I think it's dangerous! Haha! He walked towards me, smiling while singing, I managed to flash a smile back, I hope I didn't look retarded though! He rubbed his thumb on my cheek, wiping my tears away, I didn't realize I was still crying. My heart thumped so hard, I felt like I was going to get unattached to my heart. He wrapped his arms on my shoulder and leaned his head on my my head, how can he manage to still sing at a time like this? I swear, I can't believe beliebers have restrained theirselves from kissing this sexy-god!

The song stopped and he kissed me on the forehead. I swear there were fireworks for me! I started to winder, was he feeling the same static? He had his eyes closed when he kissed my forehead, but When he opened it, he looked shocked and he was looking straight to my eyes, as if he was unravelling every piece of me.

His held my hands and escorted me until I was backstage. "wait for me please." I nodded.

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