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I love mornings, the heat of the sun peeping through my window, the smell of my mom's garden fresh from the sprinklers, the scent of the pancakes all the way from the kitchen.. everything!

It has been two months and Justin and I have been pretty much buddies. He shares problems with me, and I share problems with him. I tell him about school and he says he misses it, but is still grateful that he is where he is right now.

I walk home from Josh's house. He says he has some new dvds he rented so I went straight to his house. Since it's a Friday night, and it was Josh, my mom was okay with it.

It was 11 in evening, I walk towards our front door and I search my bag for my keys. I noticed a person was sitting on the chair right outside our front door.

"What are you doing here this late?" Justin had his head bowed down.

"We had a fight again." I noticed hurt in his tone.

Not knowing how to react, I walked towards him and hugged him.

"You can tell me Justin, What happened?" He stood up to hug me back.

"She said that she have been thinking and that she needs to set her priorities first. Then she said she thinks that we will not work out. I told her we can pursue her priorities together, she refused." I gently stroked his back. I could feel him having the need for air.

"ssshhhh... come on, let's go inside, somebody might see you here" He nodded. I opened the door and I escorted him up my room. He sits on the edge of my bed. I texted my mom that Justin's here, I wouldn't want her to flip out. I texted her everything Justin told and that she should not be worried. As I place my phone on my lamp desk, I hear him exhaling loudly, trying to get some air.

"Do you want some water Justin?" He doesn't answer. I sat beside him and tried to comfort him.

"Are you still going back to her?" I asked him.

"I don't know Jace, it's been running like this for three months. Remember when I saw you on my concert?" I just nodded, hoping he got the sign.

"Well, I just went for some fresh air that night, she had been going on about her priorities ever since Believe tour began. And honestly, I think today was the most serious fight we had." I looked at him, and saw tears filling up in his eyes until finally, it rolled down on his cheek.

"Did she tell you what you mean to her right now?" I didn't know what to ask, how could I? I've never thought he would end up saying his most serious fight to me.

"What do you think it is? If she said that she doesn't want to see me, she told me to delete her number and to stop trying to call her family and friends. It's the first time she'd say that, and trust me, when she says something, she wants it done." Now tears rolled down on his face continuously. I reached and wiped his cheeks. He didn't move an inch, he was looking down, still crying.

"Let me get you some water." I stood up and walked towards my door. I feel so bad for Justin. He really loved Selena, but I can't blame Selena, she really has priorities, but she shouldn't have been so harsh in breaking it up.

I turned to look back at Justin but a hard thing crashed into me. Oh gosh. Justin wrapped his arms around me, caging me. I didn't move for a while, but I tried to break my arms free to hug him back. I slid my arms around me and hugged him tighter. He cried harder at my gesture. I know the feeling. When someone hugs you tighter, you tend to let all the emotions out even more.

"Come on, Let's get you some water." My words coming out, breaking the moment.

He followed me down and I told him to sit on the couch so he did.

I walked to the kitchen to fill up a glass of water. I let out a breath that I hadn't realized I had been holding. I don't want to see him like that. But everybody has their ups and downs.

After about two minutes, I went back to the living room. Justin was still on his position the same way I left him.

"Here Justin, drink up." He grabs the glass and gulped through the whole glass.

"Want another one?"

"No thanks Jace"

"Alright" I grabbed the glass back and went to the kitchen to put it back.

When I walked back to the living room, I saw Justin lying down at the couch. How the heck could he sleep so fast? I ran upstairs to get some pillows and blankets. I settled the pillow beneath his head, trying to be really careful. Then I put a blanket on top of him. He looked so broken, even though he had his eyes closed, I could still see the sadness, I stroke his hair once and kissed his forehead. I lied down on the other couch and drifted off to sleep.

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